Oats is a generator for TypeScript clients and servers using OpenAPI 3 specs.
For some more context on why Oats came to be, and a more descriptive way of how to use it, check out our blogpost: https://medium.com/smartly-io/oats-how-we-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-types-aa0041aaa9cc
This package provides the tooling for generating the type definitions. A separate package provides the runtime that contains the code and base types needed for actually using the generated definitions.
see packages for tooling and adapters for koa, axios etc.
Oats exposes driver.generate
for configuring and running the generator.
As an example here we are generating a client and server definitions from an api specification
in example.yaml
that uses additional component schemas defined in common.yaml
// yarn ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register examples/driver.ts
import { driver } from '@smartlyio/oats';
// generate server from the shared openapi spec
// This example uses a specification file that contains compliant but unsupported nodes,
// such as 'securitySchemes' and 'security'
generatedValueClassFile: './tmp/server/types.generated.ts',
generatedServerFile: './tmp/server/generated.ts',
header: '/* tslint:disable variable-name only-arrow-functions*/',
openapiFilePath: './test/example-with-security-nodes.yaml',
resolve: driver.compose(driver.generateFile(), driver.localResolve),
unsupportedFeatures: {
security: driver.UnsupportedFeatureBehaviour.ignore
// generate client from the shared openapi spec
generatedValueClassFile: './tmp/client/types.generated.ts',
generatedClientFile: './tmp/client/generated.ts',
header: '/* tslint:disable variable-name only-arrow-functions*/',
openapiFilePath: './test/example.yaml',
resolve: driver.compose(
driver.generateFile({ preservePathStructure: true }),
// Omit error responses from the client response types
emitStatusCode: (code: number) => [200, 201, 204].indexOf(code) >= 0
The generated typescript types contain a type for all named components defined in the Openapi
spec components/schemas
. So for a component named_component: ...
- For top level
type: object
definitions oats generates a proper javascript classNamedComponent
- For other types oats generates a typescript
type NamedComponent
. - For scalar types oats adds typescript branding to differentiate between various kinds of named scalar types
For type: object
schemas that are nullable: true
the type is split to a type NamedComponent = null | NonNullableNamedComponent
where NonNullableNamedComponent
is the actual class as class instances really cannot be null
See runtime for details on working with the types.
The rest of the generated type definitions consist of the apis for clients and servers for actually implementing or interacting with the service.
By default the driver
will only resolve $ref
references to absolute paths inside the processed file. This behaviour can be
added to by using the resolve
option to driver
which defines a function of type Resolve
to be used when a $ref
export type Resolve = (ref: string, options: Options) =>
| { importAs: string; importFrom: string, name: string, generate?: () => Promise<void> }
| { name: string }
| undefined;
There are two builtin helpers for resolution which are used in the above code example
which follows the references and generates the required files and import declarationslocalFile
which only resolves$ref
inside the same file to the name produced from$ref
The generated server definition can be adapted to http servers backends for node. See for example the koa adapter.
For each Openapi3 definition get: /path/subpath
the generated server requires the user to provide a
value of type
{ 'path/subpath': { get: ctx => Promise<response> }}
for handling the requests to the server.
The generated server definition enforces strict data validation for both input and output for all defined paths.
// yarn ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register examples/server.ts
import * as api from '../tmp/server/generated';
import * as common from '../tmp/server/common.types.generated';
import * as runtime from '@smartlyio/oats-runtime';
import * as koaAdapter from '@smartlyio/oats-koa-adapter';
import * as Koa from 'koa';
import { koaBody } from 'koa-body';
// setup a db :)
const values: { [key: string]: common.Item } = {};
interface RequestContext {
messageIndex: number;
// 'api.EndpointsWithContext' is the generated type of the server
const spec: api.EndpointsWithContext<RequestContext> = {
'/item': {
post: async ctx => {
if (ctx.headers.authorization !== 'Bearer ^-^') {
return runtime.json(403, {
message: 'Unauthorized',
messageIndex: ctx.requestContext.messageIndex
values[ctx.body.value.id] = common.Item.make({
id: ctx.body.value.id,
name: ctx.body.value.name
return runtime.json(201, values[ctx.body.value.id]);
'/item/{id}': {
head: async ctx => {
const item = values[ctx.params.id];
if (item) {
return runtime.noContent(200);
return runtime.json(400, {
message: 'not found',
messageIndex: ctx.requestContext.messageIndex
delete: async ctx => {
delete values[ctx.params.id];
return runtime.noContent(204);
get: async ctx => {
const item = values[ctx.params.id];
if (item) {
return runtime.json(200, item);
return runtime.json(400, {
message: 'not found',
messageIndex: ctx.requestContext.messageIndex
let index = 0;
// 'koaAdapter.bind' binds the endpoint implemantion in 'spec' to
// koa-router routes using a koa adapter
const routes = koaAdapter.bind(api.createRouter<RequestContext>(), spec, () => ({
messageIndex: index++
// finally we can create a Koa app from the routes
export function createApp() {
// we need a bodyparser to make body contain json and deal with multipart requests
return new Koa().use(koaBody({ multipart: true })).use(routes.routes());
Oats generates also client side definitions that can be adapted to http client backends for node.
See for example the axios adapter. The
generated client provides a fluent interface so that for each Openapi3 definition
get: /path/subpath/{pathParameter}
generated api client can be called with api.path.subpath(pathParameter).get()
. The generated
client will enforce strict data validation for both input and output of the calls.
// yarn ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register examples/client.ts
import * as api from '../tmp/client/generated';
import * as axiosAdapter from '@smartlyio/oats-axios-adapter';
import * as runtime from '@smartlyio/oats-runtime';
import * as app from './server';
import * as assert from 'assert';
// 'api.client' is the abstract implementation of the client which is then
// mapped to axios requests using 'axiosAdapter'
const apiClient = api.client(axiosAdapter.create());
async function runClient() {
const posted = await apiClient.item.post({
headers: {
authorization: 'Bearer ^-^'
body: runtime.client.json({ id: 'id', name: 'name' })
if (posted.status !== 201) {
return assert.fail('wrong response');
const stored = await apiClient.item(posted.value.value.id).get();
if (stored.status !== 200) {
return assert.fail('wrong response');
assert(stored.value.value.id === 'id');
const deleted = await apiClient.item(posted.value.value.id).delete();
assert(deleted.status === 204);
// spin up the server
const port = 12000;
app.createApp().listen(port, async () => {
try {
await runClient();
} catch (e) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
To initialize the project:
yarn lerna bootstrap
To publish a canary (to test your changes in the depending service)
yarn build
yarn publish:canary
To publish a new release (you would need admin access to the repo)
yarn build
yarn publish:patch # or minor or major
We support also property based testing and test data generation with fast-check through oats-fast-check