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An implementation of the Santa sync protocol.

Getting Started

Configuring chimney

Pass in a TOML based configuration file path as a flag or environment variable named CHIMNEY_CONFIG.

Key Required Description
bind_address true chimney will bind to IP address and TCP port.
client_config_path true Path to the client configurations. Must contain a global.toml. More info under Client Configurations.
event_log_path false Path to the event log file. Enable if you want to record events. Uses Bunyan logging.
log_level false Log level. Defaults to info.
log_path true Path to the log file.
tls_config.cert_file false Path to the TLS cert file.
tls_config.key_file false Path to the TLS private key file. Must be in PKCS#8 format.

A couple of things to note:

  1. If you plan to terminate SSL elsewhere, you do not need to provide a tls_config section.
  2. All paths must be absolute paths. Tilde expansion is not supported at this time.

chimney config example

bind_address = ""
client_config_path = "/path/to/client/configs"
event_log_path = "/path/to/event.log"
log_level = "info"
log_path = "/path/to/chimney.log"

cert_file = "/path/to/server.crt"
key_file = "/path/to/server.key"

Client configurations

Client configuration files are also TOML based. They are read by chimney using the provided path (client_config_path) and cached on server start. global.toml must exist in the path. Similar to moroz, chimney uses global.toml to form preflight and ruledownload responses unless a machine specific configuration is provided. All machine specific configuration files are named after their machine id (e.g., hardware UUID - 3AC82A0D-3779-7B99-A598-C02FED123A04.toml).

Key Required Type Description
enable_bundles false boolean Enable bundle scanning. Defaults to false.
enable_transitive_rules false boolean Whether or not to enable transitive allowlisting. Defaults to false.
batch_size false number Number of events to upload at a time.
full_sync_interval false number Number of seconds between full syncs. Defaults to 600 seconds.
client_mode true string Operating mode to set for the client. Either MONITOR or LOCKDOWN.
allowed_path_regex false string Regular expression to allow a binary to execute from a path.
blocked_path_regex false string Regular expression to block a binary from executing by path.
block_usb_mount false boolean Block USB mass storage devices. Defaults to false.
remount_usb_mode false string Force USB mass storage devices to be remounted with the given permissions.
sync_type false string The type of sync the client should perform. Either NORMAL, CLEAN, or CLEAN_ALL. Defaults to NORMAL.
override_file_access_action true string Override file access config policy action. Either DISABLE, AUDIT_ONLY, or NONE.
rules.n.rule_type true* string Only required if defining a rule. Identifies the type of rule. Either BINARY, CERTIFICATE, SIGNINGID, TEAMID, or CDHASH.
rules.n.policy true* string Only required if defining a rule. Identifies the action to perform in response to the rule matching. Either ALLOWLIST, ALLOWLIST_COMPILER, BLOCKLIST, REMOVE, or SILENT_BLOCKLIST.
rules.n.identifier true* string Only required if defining a rule. The attribute of the binary the rule should match on e.g., the signing ID, team ID, or CDHash of a binary or SHA256 has value.
rules.n.custom_msg false string A custom message to display when the rule matches.
rules.n.custom_url false string A custom URL to use for the open button when the rule matches.
rules.n.creation_time false float Time the rule was created.
rules.n.file_bundle_binary_count false number The number of binaries in a bundle.
rules.n.file_bundle_hash false string The SHA256 of all binaries in a bundle.

Client configuration example

enable_bundles = false
enable_transitive_rules = true
batch_size = 100
full_sync_interval = 600
client_mode = "MONITOR"
# allowed_path_regex = "^(?:/Users)/.*"
# blocked_path_regex = "^(?:/Users)/.*"
block_usb_mount = false
# remount_usb_mode = "noexec"
sync_type = "CLEAN"
override_file_access_action = "AUDIT_ONLY"

rule_type = "BINARY"
policy = "BLOCKLIST"
identifier = "2dc104631939b4bdf5d6bccab76e166e37fe5e1605340cf68dab919df58b8eda"
custom_msg = "blocklist firefox"

rule_type = "TEAMID"
policy = "ALLOWLIST"
identifier = "EQHXZ8M8AV"
custom_msg = "allow google team id"


Santa sync server







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