Get all css rules used by the selected DOM and its children.
Get all css rules used by the selected DOM and its children. Used to extrac only the used CSS. So the unused css will be left out.
If the selected DOM is the body, the result will be all the used css by the whole page curently.
F12 open the Developer Tools, select the dom and active the "CSS Used" pannel. The used CSS rules of the Selected dom and its children's will be listed in the right textare.
You can click "Preview" to see the selected part with clean style rules.
As for the CSS rule like .wrap p{...}
, if only <p>
is selected, the result .wrap p{...}
may not apply directly to <p>
Either changing this rule's selector to p{...}
or giving the <p>
a .wrap
parent in the final HTML.
1.3 Convert all background image url to absolute path.
1.2 The link tag is preserved now.
1.1.5 Keyframe animation extract is now supported.
When the selected dom is not in the main frame.