This is not a port, but a complete rewrite of SaMS (, in padrino.
In 1997, all I had available for my website was very limited hosting via an Earthlink account. This account did offer one thing most other free providers lacked: Perl support. So I learned Perl and implemented a content management system for my site. Originally, it was intended to be a workaround for the inconsistencies in browser implementations for a dynamic navigation tree, but a acquired a few more features over the years.
A little while after creating SaMS, I heard about a new trend called "web logs," or just "blogs." I could not find any good free blogging software, so I wrote my own, called "MeBlog." MeBlog used a flat-file backend as a database, so it could be used on any basic web server with only Perl support. The added advantage is you could read the entries without the need for any special software.
MeBlog led to more adventurous apps, including MeStart, a fully customizable start page in the vein of Google Home. All these and more can be found here.
For now, you can add your own theme assets, under app/assets/*/theme/theme_name/ and use the
These themes have not bwwn implemented yet.
pSaMS comes with several themes. One theme, "Bubbly Blue," is the design for my old site. One theme is not really a theme, but a basic template (not finished). The last theme is a clean and simple grayscale theme.
Javascript Source Map support
For javascript development, pSaMS is preconfigured to generate a custom source map with each javascript file, only in development mode. Production mode does not generate source maps, and uses the closure compiler.
Since pSaMS is built using padrino, you can create your own sub-apps easily. See the Padrino site for more. There are two apps included:* A download app, for tracking and uploading files for sharing* A photo app, for showing the world your amazing adventures
See folder for the full roadmap.
This is a tentative release schedule. My personal challenge is to hit a release or mid-release every 6 months, so that means version 0.5 should be finished sometime in June 2014 and version 4.0 should come out January 2018.
NOTE: I will not support non-free or platform-specific APIs or data sources, such as iCloud, which is iOS only. If you need support for such services, consider becoming a contributer to pSaMS!
All italicized items have been started, but not finished. All emboldened items are finished! All others are features that have not been started.
Release 0.1 "MV" ("Minimal Viable")
Manage posts
Can be authored in several formats:
Add View shortcuts (helpers), for use with themes:
Enable Tagging
- Tag Cloud Widget on sidebar
configure Menu based on Categories
Enable basic theme support (see Themes section)
Base theme is RBE "Bubbly Blue" theme
Plugin API Base
Filter Plugin Base API
Editor Plugin Base API
Release 0.5 "MV5"
Source Map Support in development mode
Better Themeability
Three themes:
- basic
- clean
- RBE "Bubbly Blue"
Two Sub-apps:
- Downloads
- Photos
Filestore backend capabilities:
- Amazon S3 File Store
- Google Drive
Panel Editor (which panels have which widgets and in what order)
Theme can specify how many panels and attributes thereof
Drag 'n Drop Category Order Editor
Release 1.0 "Marcelis"
Package as a gem for ease of installation
Create plugin generator for ease of installation
i18n editor in admin panel (with ?)
Minimal Wordpress Plugin API Implementation (see
Release 1.5 "Marcel15"
More filestore backend capabilities:
More sub-apps:
Image GeoCaching
Release 2.0 "ZedsDead"
Add several js libraries, with on-demand support, via require.js:
- jquery (no module loading support)
- jquery-ui (module loading of components)
- bootstrap (comes with padrino-admin)
- angular (for single-page theme support)
- Modernizr support (in case you REALLY want to break the interwebs)
Theme API (with isolated filepath and namespace)
Ability to import/export themes via admin console
Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for content
Release 2.5 "2ed5Dead"
More sub-apps:
recipe management
- kitchen inventory management
- conversion of units
- ingredient quantity change based on a single ingredient (i.e "I only have one egg, and I need two...[recipe adjusts to suit]")
- MOP Checklist/wizard
- Item checklist
- Wizard interface (show about, then ingredients, then m.o.p. step by step)
- print card-size and full-page
More filestore backend capabilities:
- SkyDrive
- SugarSync
Release 3.0 ""
Theme Packaging for redistribution
DSL for page creation/templates
Release 3.5
More filestore backend capabilities:
Release 4.0
Edit site layouts/templates via admin console
Package sub-apps as gems with "psams" namespace (i.e. 'psams-photos') for easy in/exclusion
pSaMS requires a working ruby environment. You can install ruby here.
You also need a working version of Git, which can be downloaded from here.
If your environment is set up properly, you should be able to install the latest version of padrino by typing gem install padrino
in a terminal.
All you need to do is grab the source of this app from GitHub and install all the necessary gems. You can do that by opening up a terminal and typing the following:
cd /path/to/my/projects/folder
git clone
cd pSaMS
bundle install
rake ar:migrate MIGRATIONS=true
If the bundle install
command fails with errors installing the mysql gem, you could try installing the gem manually or removing the line that begins gem "mysql"
from the file Gemfile. See [Changing Databases](Changing Databases) for more.
You can add migrations to plugins by adding a #migrate method to the plugin class definition. To use this method, you must specify the environment variable MIGRATIONS on the command line, as shown above. It is recommended to always add the MIGRATIONS=true.
SQLite is used for development, as it is a local filestore database and requires no other running program to use. MySQL is the default for production mode, as it can be easily configured to be used with a lot of hosting sites, or even OpenShift, and is a more "enterprise-y" solution. If you want to use MariaDB instead, just install it, as MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL.
If you have problems install the mysql gem or just want to change your database, you can do so by changing the mysql gem specification in the Gemfile to your database of choice. For instance, if you want to use MongoDB for a backend, change the
If you want to get pSaMS up and running quickly, you can use one of the following hosted rails servers.
The Heroku gem is deprecated; please install the Heroku Toolbelt from here.
Ensure your selected database is postgresql by adding the postgresql gem to the Gemfile and uncommenting and editing the postgresql configuration in config/database.rb.
After that, issue the follwoing commands
# go into the project directory
cd /path/to/pSaMS
# login to heroku
heroku login
# create a heroku app with the cedar stack. Change $mysite$ to the app name you want
heroku create --stack cedar $mysite$
# add the postgres database to your heroku app
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql
#get the name of the database. it will be something like HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_$db_name$_URL
heroku pg
# get the postgres login information for your database. $db_name$ is taken from last command
# credentials are in connection info string (dbname, host, user, password, sslmode)
heroku pg:credentials $db_name$
#set the variables so we can use them in config/database.rb. Replace the appropriate vriables
heroku config:set PG_DB=$dbname$ PG_HOST=$host$ PG_USER=$user$ PG_PASS=$password$
There are a few optimizations you can make to pSaMS if you want to speed up content delivery on your server.
From the Redis homepage, "Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value store." What this means for Padrino is that instead of a slow, disk-based caching mechanism (or none at all!), Padrino can use a running Redis server to store caching information.
From Wikipedia, "Memcached is a general-purpose distributed memory caching system. It is often used to speed up dynamic database-driven websites by caching data and objects in RAM to reduce the number of times an external data source (such as a database or API) must be read." What this means is that Padrino can use a memcached server to store the cache, in order to speed up page load times. In order to use this feature, simply add the following to app/app.rb (there is already a block comment for this so you can uncomment the appropriate code)
register Padrino::Cache enable :caching set :cache,'$host:port', :exception_retry_limit => 1))
Where $host:$port is the server host and port of your running Memcached server (i.e.
You can also setup your database to use Memcached.
See the MySQL manual for more information on this topic.
I am sure by doing a little searching, you can find instructions on how to enable Memcached on the database of your choosing.
For starters, simply use one of the provided plugins as a base, and hack away! I will be creating pages on the pSaMS github wiki on how to create plugins when I can.
You can become a contributer by cloning this repository, making your changes, and submitting a pull request. Remember to write tests (RSpec/Cucumber/TestUnit)! If nothing breaks, I will merge your changes into the main repo, add your feature to the list above and place your name below!
- Skaman Sam Tyler
- Lead Developer/Creator