# Time it
from torch_snippets import *
CPU times: user 1.57 s, sys: 1.59 s, total: 3.16 s
Wall time: 731 ms
Below we are trying to extract the __all__
list from all Python files
of the torch_snippets directory.
Through the code, you can already see some of the elements of
torch-snippets in action.
import ast
] = ( # os is already imported by torch_snippets, along with many other useful libraries
"1000" # Set the maximum number of items to display in the AD object
@tryy # This is a decorator that catches exceptions
def extract_all_list(file_path):
file = readfile(file_path, silent=True) # Read the file
tree = ast.parse(file, filename=file_path)
for node in tree.body:
if isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
for target in node.targets:
if isinstance(target, ast.Name) and target.id == "__all__":
if isinstance(node.value, ast.List):
all_list = [
for elt in node.value.elts
if isinstance(elt, ast.Constant)
return all_list
return None
def print_all_lists_in_directory(directory):
dir = P(directory) # Create a pathlib.Path object
for f in dir.ls(): # Iterate over all files in the directory
if f.extn == "py" and f.stem not in [
]: # If it's a Python file and not __init__.py
all_list = extract_all_list(f)
if all_list is not None and len(all_list) > 0:
h2(f.stem) # Print the name of the file as a heading in jupyter
AD({"items": all_list})
) # AD is an intelligent dictionary that can display itself nicely
# Specify the directory containing the Python files
directory_path = "../torch_snippets"
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - Timer (🏷️ str)
1 - track2 (🏷️ str)
2 - summarize_input (🏷️ str)
3 - timeit (🏷️ str)
4 - io (🏷️ str)
5 - tryy (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - ifnone (🏷️ str)
1 - exists (🏷️ str)
2 - loadifexists (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - textify (🏷️ str)
1 - find_lines (🏷️ str)
2 - find_blocks (🏷️ str)
3 - find_substring (🏷️ str)
4 - get_line_data_from_word_data (🏷️ str)
5 - edit_distance_path (🏷️ str)
6 - group_blocks (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - valid_methods (🏷️ str)
1 - P (🏷️ str)
2 - ls (🏷️ str)
3 - print_folder_summary (🏷️ str)
4 - dill (🏷️ str)
5 - input_to_str (🏷️ str)
6 - output_to_path (🏷️ str)
7 - process_f (🏷️ str)
8 - get_fs (🏷️ str)
9 - P0 (🏷️ str)
10 - stem (🏷️ str)
11 - stems (🏷️ str)
12 - extn (🏷️ str)
13 - remove_file (🏷️ str)
14 - isdir (🏷️ str)
15 - makedir (🏷️ str)
16 - fname (🏷️ str)
17 - fname2 (🏷️ str)
18 - parent (🏷️ str)
19 - Glob (🏷️ str)
20 - find (🏷️ str)
21 - zip_files (🏷️ str)
22 - unzip_file (🏷️ str)
23 - list_zip (🏷️ str)
24 - md5 (🏷️ str)
25 - remove_duplicates (🏷️ str)
26 - common_items (🏷️ str)
27 - folder_summary (🏷️ str)
28 - readlines (🏷️ str)
29 - readfile (🏷️ str)
30 - writelines (🏷️ str)
31 - tree (🏷️ str)
32 - folder_structure_to_dict (🏷️ str)
33 - folder_structure_to_json (🏷️ str)
34 - rename_batch (🏷️ str)
35 - dumpdill (🏷️ str)
36 - loaddill (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - alt (🏷️ str)
1 - Chart (🏷️ str)
2 - CM (🏷️ str)
3 - radar (🏷️ str)
4 - confusion_matrix (🏷️ str)
5 - spider (🏷️ str)
6 - upsetaltair_top_level_configuration (🏷️ str)
7 - UpSetAltair (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - PDF (🏷️ str)
1 - dump_pdf_images (🏷️ str)
2 - preview_pdf (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - COLORS (🏷️ str)
1 - to_networkx (🏷️ str)
2 - plot_image (🏷️ str)
3 - plot_graph (🏷️ str)
4 - tonp (🏷️ str)
5 - tolist (🏷️ str)
6 - convert_to_nx (🏷️ str)
7 - viz2 (🏷️ str)
8 - df2graph_nodes (🏷️ str)
9 - ishow (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - Config (🏷️ str)
1 - AttrDict (🏷️ str)
2 - registry (🏷️ str)
3 - tryeval (🏷️ str)
4 - parse_base (🏷️ str)
5 - parse (🏷️ str)
6 - parse_and_resolve (🏷️ str)
7 - parse_string (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - AD (🏷️ str)
1 - Config (🏷️ str)
2 - isnamedtupleinstance (🏷️ str)
3 - unpack (🏷️ str)
4 - AttrDict (🏷️ str)
5 - pretty_json (🏷️ str)
6 - read_json (🏷️ str)
7 - write_json (🏷️ str)
8 - write_jsonl (🏷️ str)
9 - read_jsonl (🏷️ str)
10 - read_yaml (🏷️ str)
11 - write_yaml (🏷️ str)
12 - read_xml (🏷️ str)
13 - write_xml (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - inspect (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - torch (🏷️ str)
1 - th (🏷️ str)
2 - torchvision (🏷️ str)
3 - T (🏷️ str)
4 - transforms (🏷️ str)
5 - nn (🏷️ str)
6 - np (🏷️ str)
7 - F (🏷️ str)
8 - Dataset (🏷️ str)
9 - DataLoader (🏷️ str)
10 - optim (🏷️ str)
11 - Report (🏷️ str)
12 - Reshape (🏷️ str)
13 - Permute (🏷️ str)
14 - device (🏷️ str)
15 - save_torch_model_weights_from (🏷️ str)
16 - load_torch_model_weights_to (🏷️ str)
17 - detach (🏷️ str)
18 - cat_with_padding (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - console (🏷️ str)
1 - reset_logger_width (🏷️ str)
2 - logger (🏷️ str)
3 - Trace (🏷️ str)
4 - Debug (🏷️ str)
5 - Info (🏷️ str)
6 - Warn (🏷️ str)
7 - Excep (🏷️ str)
8 - warn_mode (🏷️ str)
9 - info_mode (🏷️ str)
10 - debug_mode (🏷️ str)
11 - trace_mode (🏷️ str)
12 - excep_mode (🏷️ str)
13 - in_warn_mode (🏷️ str)
14 - in_info_mode (🏷️ str)
15 - in_debug_mode (🏷️ str)
16 - in_trace_mode (🏷️ str)
17 - in_excep_mode (🏷️ str)
18 - frames (🏷️ str)
19 - get_console (🏷️ str)
20 - reset_logger (🏷️ str)
21 - get_logger_level (🏷️ str)
22 - logger_mode (🏷️ str)
23 - in_logger_mode (🏷️ str)
24 - notify_waiting (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - AttrDict (🏷️ str)
1 - json (🏷️ str)
2 - Config (🏷️ str)
3 - isnamedtupleinstance (🏷️ str)
4 - unpack (🏷️ str)
5 - hash_tensor (🏷️ str)
6 - hash_pandas_dataframe (🏷️ str)
7 - AttrDictDeprecated (🏷️ str)
8 - decompose (🏷️ str)
9 - pretty_json (🏷️ str)
10 - read_json (🏷️ str)
11 - write_json (🏷️ str)
12 - write_jsonl (🏷️ str)
13 - read_jsonl (🏷️ str)
14 - read_yaml (🏷️ str)
15 - write_yaml (🏷️ str)
16 - read_xml (🏷️ str)
17 - write_xml (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - ColumnSelector (🏷️ str)
1 - GroupedPredictor (🏷️ str)
2 - EstimatorTransformer (🏷️ str)
3 - train_test_split (🏷️ str)
4 - MakeFrame (🏷️ str)
5 - ImputeMissingValues (🏷️ str)
6 - LambdaTransformer (🏷️ str)
7 - Cat2Num (🏷️ str)
8 - SplitDateColumn (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - save_notebook (🏷️ str)
1 - backup_this_notebook (🏷️ str)
2 - backup_all_notebooks (🏷️ str)
3 - backup_folders_of_nbs (🏷️ str)
4 - display_dfs_side_by_side (🏷️ str)
5 - show_big_dataframe (🏷️ str)
6 - h1 (🏷️ str)
7 - h2 (🏷️ str)
8 - h3 (🏷️ str)
9 - h4 (🏷️ str)
10 - h5 (🏷️ str)
11 - h6 (🏷️ str)
12 - store_scrap (🏷️ str)
13 - shutdown_current_notebook (🏷️ str)
../torch_snippets/loader.py:532: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\$'
puttext(ax, text.replace("$", "\$"), tuple(bbs[ix][:2]), size=text_sz)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - B (🏷️ str)
1 - Blank (🏷️ str)
2 - batchify (🏷️ str)
3 - C (🏷️ str)
4 - choose (🏷️ str)
5 - common (🏷️ str)
6 - crop_from_bb (🏷️ str)
7 - diff (🏷️ str)
8 - E (🏷️ str)
9 - flatten (🏷️ str)
10 - Image (🏷️ str)
11 - jitter (🏷️ str)
12 - L (🏷️ str)
13 - lzip (🏷️ str)
14 - line (🏷️ str)
15 - lines (🏷️ str)
16 - to_absolute (🏷️ str)
17 - to_relative (🏷️ str)
18 - enlarge_bbs (🏷️ str)
19 - shrink_bbs (🏷️ str)
20 - logger (🏷️ str)
21 - np (🏷️ str)
22 - now (🏷️ str)
23 - nunique (🏷️ str)
24 - os (🏷️ str)
25 - pad (🏷️ str)
26 - pd (🏷️ str)
27 - pdfilter (🏷️ str)
28 - pdb (🏷️ str)
29 - PIL (🏷️ str)
30 - print (🏷️ str)
31 - puttext (🏷️ str)
32 - randint (🏷️ str)
33 - rand (🏷️ str)
34 - re (🏷️ str)
35 - read (🏷️ str)
36 - readPIL (🏷️ str)
37 - rect (🏷️ str)
38 - resize (🏷️ str)
39 - rotate (🏷️ str)
40 - see (🏷️ str)
41 - show (🏷️ str)
42 - store_attr (🏷️ str)
43 - subplots (🏷️ str)
44 - sys (🏷️ str)
45 - toss (🏷️ str)
46 - track (🏷️ str)
47 - tqdm (🏷️ str)
48 - Tqdm (🏷️ str)
49 - trange (🏷️ str)
50 - unique (🏷️ str)
51 - uint (🏷️ str)
52 - write (🏷️ str)
53 - BB (🏷️ str)
54 - bbfy (🏷️ str)
55 - xywh2xyXY (🏷️ str)
56 - df2bbs (🏷️ str)
57 - bbs2df (🏷️ str)
58 - Info (🏷️ str)
59 - Warn (🏷️ str)
60 - Debug (🏷️ str)
61 - Excep (🏷️ str)
62 - reset_logger (🏷️ str)
63 - get_logger_level (🏷️ str)
64 - in_debug_mode (🏷️ str)
65 - debug_mode (🏷️ str)
66 - typedispatch (🏷️ str)
67 - defaultdict (🏷️ str)
68 - Counter (🏷️ str)
69 - dcopy (🏷️ str)
70 - patch_to (🏷️ str)
71 - split (🏷️ str)
72 - train_test_split (🏷️ str)
73 - init_plt (🏷️ str)
74 - init_cv2 (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - do (🏷️ str)
1 - bw (🏷️ str)
2 - rotate (🏷️ str)
3 - pad (🏷️ str)
4 - get_size (🏷️ str)
5 - rescale (🏷️ str)
6 - crop (🏷️ str)
7 - imgaugbbs2bbs (🏷️ str)
8 - bbs2imgaugbbs (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - make_uniform_date_format (🏷️ str)
1 - ALL_DATE_FORMATS (🏷️ str)
2 - are_dates_equal (🏷️ str)
3 - today (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - time_profiler (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - parse_sz (🏷️ str)
1 - get_bplot (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - randint (🏷️ str)
1 - BB (🏷️ str)
2 - df2bbs (🏷️ str)
3 - bbs2df (🏷️ str)
4 - bbfy (🏷️ str)
5 - jitter (🏷️ str)
6 - compute_eps (🏷️ str)
7 - enlarge_bbs (🏷️ str)
8 - shrink_bbs (🏷️ str)
9 - iou (🏷️ str)
10 - compute_distance_matrix (🏷️ str)
11 - compute_distances (🏷️ str)
12 - split_bb_to_xyXY (🏷️ str)
13 - combine_xyXY_to_bb (🏷️ str)
14 - is_absolute (🏷️ str)
15 - is_relative (🏷️ str)
16 - to_relative (🏷️ str)
17 - to_absolute (🏷️ str)
18 - merge_by_bb (🏷️ str)
19 - isin (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - np_2_b64 (🏷️ str)
1 - b64_2_np (🏷️ str)
2 - b64_2_file (🏷️ str)
3 - bytes_2_file (🏷️ str)
4 - file_2_bytes (🏷️ str)
5 - csvs_2_cvat (🏷️ str)
6 - cvat_2_csvs (🏷️ str)
7 - df_2_yolo (🏷️ str)
8 - yolo_2_df (🏷️ str)
```↯ AttrDict ↯
0 - format (🏷️ str)
1 - warn_on_fail (🏷️ str)
2 - timeit (🏷️ str)
3 - io (🏷️ str)
4 - check_kwargs_not_none (🏷️ str)