This application was designed for the advanced division of Hack Week. It is a full-stack web application.
Clone the repository to your local machine, or click the Download ZIP
to the left to download the files and drag the folder to wherever you'd like.
Macs come with Python installed. Most Linux distros do as well.
You can check by opening a terminal and executing python --version
. Ensure
that you have Python version 2.x (i.e., not 3.x).
Open up a terminal (Command+Spacebar
on Macs). Type
sudo easy_install pip
Enter your password when prompted. Next navigate to the folder of the project
(you can type cd
, drag the folder into the terminal, and press enter to go
there) and type the following
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install all of the necessary packages to your computer. You're ready to go!
Windows does not come with Python, so there is a bit more installation involved.
There is a program called Chocolatey that will assist in the installation.
Type Win+R
and type cmd
to open a command prompt. Copy the following text,
and right click on the command prompt to paste the command. Press enter to
execute it.
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%systemdrive%\chocolatey\bin
If you get errors, you probably don't have PowerShell on your path.
If you already have Python installed, you can skip the next step. Please ensure
that you have a version 2.7. You can check this by typing python --version
into a command prompt.
To install the correct version of Python, type the following into a command prompt:
cinst python -Version 2.7.6
IMPORTANT: You need to close and reopen cmd.exe after each cinst
After installing Python, you need to install pip
, the Python package manager.
Open a command prompt and type
cinst easy.install
cinst pip
Now, navigate to the folder where you stored the project. Shift+Right Click
the folder to open an administrator command prompt, and type the following
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install all of the packages necessary for the project to run to your computer. You're ready to go!
Open a terminal or command prompt in the project root and run python
You should see some messages about the server starting on localhost:5000
Open up a web browser, and enter localhost:5000
in the address bar to view the