User interface utilities for Corona
Installation is done with cipr
cipr install git://
Some examples. See Getting started with Cipr for more examples.
See source for full functionality.
Transitions are a powerful feature of Corona. Often you need to run several transitions on a single object before finally destroying it. In this example, we'll create a mini-particle engine that will use EffectChain to power animations.
local EffectChain = cipr.import 'cipr.ui.EffectChain' local random = math.random local particleGroup = display.newGroup() -- EffectChains are re-usable local popBubble = EffectChain(): fadeIn{time=500}: transition{y=10, time=400, transition=easing.inExpo}: scale{scale=4, alpha=0,time=200}: call(display.remove) --[[ Create a randomly sized particle and make it float and pop ]]-- local function addNewParticle() local x = random(20, display.contentWidth - 20) local y = random(100, display.contentHeight - 20) local particle = display.newCircle(particleGroup, x, y, random(5, 20)) particle:setFillColor(255, 255, 255, 200) -- Clone the EffectChain for this particle and play it popBubble:on(particle):play() end timer.performWithDelay(100, addNewParticle, -2)
Almost every 2D game has a Parallax background. ParallaxView makes it easy to create these types of backgrounds.
local ParallaxView = cipr.import 'cipr.ui.widgets.ParallaxView' local background = display.newGroup() local pview = ParallaxView:new(display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight) background:insert(pview.view) background.y = display.contentHeight -- This layer moves at 1/4 the speed local layer1 = pview:newLayer(0.25) local bgA = display.newRect(0, 0, 400, 220) bgA:setFillColor(120, 120, 120) local bgB = display.newRect(0, 0, 400, 280) bgB:setFillColor(140, 140, 140) local bgC = display.newRect(0, 0, 400, 200) bgC:setFillColor(160, 160, 160) layer1:addCol(bgA) layer1:addCol(bgB) layer1:addCol(bgC) -- This layer moves at half the speed local layer2 = pview:newLayer(0.5) -- A layer must have at least 2 columns. The width of all -- the cols combined must be at least the width of the view -- in order to loop properly local bg1 = display.newRect(0, 0, 300, 120) bg1:setFillColor(90, 90, 90) local bg2 = display.newRect(0, 0, 300, 80) bg2:setFillColor(50, 50, 50) local bg3 = display.newRect(0, 0, 300, 100) bg3:setFillColor(75, 75, 75) layer2:addCol(bg1) layer2:addCol(bg2) layer2:addCol(bg3) local x = 0 local function enterFrame() x = x + 10 pview:scrollTo(x, 0, 1) end Runtime:addEventListener('enterFrame', enterFrame)