This is a route modification to allow you to load routes with the same identifier into different applications.
Create a file in routes/ for each of your applications, and follow the syntax guidelines in the file.
Load the routes into your application by putting the following code into your bootstrap.php:
- Route::load_namespace('application name');
You can also use this module to help clean up your bootstrap.php file if it has lots of routes in it.
- Route::factory($uri, $regex = NULL)
- Route::set($name, $uri, $regex = NULL, $namespace = NULL)
- Route::get($name, $namespace = NULL)
- Route::load_namespace($namespace) - Directly injects a namespace into the routing class
- Route::clear_namespace($namespace) - Removes a namespace from the routing class
- Route::all($flatten = TRUE) - You can get a full named array by passing FALSE.