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Releases: sitetent/tentcss


28 Mar 12:05
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This is a source enhancement and maintenance release and does not generate any additional output to the distributed CSS files.


  • Removed clearfix mixin as it was not generating any selectors and there are no plans to utilize it within the framework at this time.
  • Button sizes are now being handled with a @each loop and use the maps $button-sizes and $button-padding.


24 Mar 12:29
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This is a source enhancement release and does not generate any additional output to the distributed CSS files.


  • Space variables are now contained within a $spaces map and require map-get($spaces, KEY) to be used. This now allows the developer to add their own keys and appropriate padding and margin classes will be generated.
  • .padding-* and .margin-* utility classes now use @each loops to cycle through the key and value pairs in the $spaces map.
  • A $grid-breakpoints map has been created in the settings file. Keys found in the map should match the keys created within the $breakpoints map. This basically says create grid columns for these select breakpoints. e.g. .grid__column--{GRID #}--{BREAKPOINT}. So if a developer only wants to generate grids for the small and large breakpoints this will reduce extra classes from being generated.


15 Mar 03:25
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Note: This is a breaking release as it affects both the source files and distributed CSS files.


  • A new Sass function for EMs that is essentially the same function for REMS but outputs for the EM units.
  • All default breakpoints and media queries use values with EM units. This maintains the most cross-browser compatibility and avoids some of the browser-bug issues with using REMs.
  • The classes .padding-null and .margin-null have been removed. They have been replaced with .padding-nulled and .margin-nulled to maintain consistency with the already existing list modifier class, .list--nulled


10 Mar 13:19
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This is a critical patch release to address issues with how font sizes and line-heights were being displayed for some mobile devices. The -ms-text-size-adjust: 62.5%; and -webkit-text-size-adjust: 62.5%; properties originally set on the HTML element were causing the issue. These properties have been set to 100% to correctly respond to devices effected by these properties.


06 Mar 17:52
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This is a maintenance release with minimal affect to the distribution files.


  • Better file commenting and standardization. Consistent spaces between selectors and their nested children.
  • Only one changed here affects the CSS distribution files, that is to stop outputting sourcemap version comments in tent.css. Sourcemaps should only be detected locally and not in the Tent CSS repository.
  • Removed 02_tools/_grid_calc.scss. There is no current intention to use this file so it is only littering the source with it's current existence.


03 Mar 02:06
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This is a maintenance release correcting some issues that were pointed out by the community.


  • Removed excess comments from tent.css distribution. Comments are only being documented in Sass source files.
  • Removed excess prefixes after the redundancies were pointed out. All prefixes should be handled via the build step.
  • Reset property fixes and commenting for better cross-browser support.


24 Feb 18:24
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  • Adds more variables for most framework properties. Some properties intentionally do not have variable control to maintain the integrity of the framework.
  • Resorting of variables in variables.defaults.scss
  • Correction to button sizes using wrong spacing variables

Initial Release

22 Feb 18:33
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This is the first official Tent CSS release.


  • Includes Sass (SCSS) source files
  • includes expanded and minified expanded versions
  • Includes basic NPM build scripts, but more than likely as a developer you would integrate the source files into your own build system.
  • Core objects and components. Built to be easily extended.
  • Basic browser support, will need refinement in future releases.

First Pre-Release

17 Feb 13:33
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First Pre-Release Pre-release

First initial pre-release. The documentation needs to be combed for proper use, understanding, spelling, and grammar.

Pre-release may contain browser compatibility issues that need to be detected and fixed.