!!! Asynchronous images make the optimzation via jobqueue obsolete. This package is abandoned in favor of the original MOC.ImageOptimizer !!!
This package is based on MOC.ImageOptimizer https://packagist.org/packages/moc/imageoptimizer)
- Martin Ficzel - [email protected]
The development and the public-releases of this package is generously sponsored by our employer http://www.sitegeist.de.
Neos CMS / Flow framework package that optimizes generated thumbnail images (jpg, png, gif, svg and more) for web presentation. The original files of the editors are never affected since copies are always created for thumbnails.
The optimization is executed asynchronously by a jobrunner and not during page-creation. The image is imediately available in unoptimzed fashion. After optimization the new image-file will be served without changing the image-url.
By default this package is using jpegtran
, optipng
, gifsicle
and svgo
but the exact command for each format
can be configured via settings.
Should work with Linux, FreeBSD, OSX, Compatible with Neos 3.x+ / 4.x+
Sitegeist.Origami is available via packagist. Just add "sitegeist/origami" : "~1.0" to the require section of the
composer.json or run composer require sitegeist/origami
. We use semantic-versioning so every breaking change
will increase the major-version number.
Ensure the image manipulation libraries jpegtran
(JPG), optipng
(PNG), gifsicle
(GIF) and svgo
(SVG) are
available on the server.
You can install the libraries globally using npm
npm install -g jpegtran-bin optipng-bin gifsicle svgo
To actually optimize the images the imageOptimization-jobqeue has to be initialized and executed.
# This has to be done once on every server.
./flow queue:setup imageOptimization
# This is actually executing the optimization tasks. It should be run in intervals.
# It depends on the target wether it should run forever, for a given interval or a given number of jobs.
./flow job:work imageOptimization
Using the Settings
configuration, multiple options can be adjusted.
Each optimization for a media-format has to be enabled exlicitly since by default all optimizations are disabled.
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
You can replace the preconfigured optimization commands via settings.
command: "${'jpegoptim --strip-all --max=80 --all-progressive -o ' + file}"
When doing this you have to take care that you provide the necessary command on the target system.
- Clear thumbnails to generate new ones that will automatically be optimized.
./flow media:clearthumbnails
- See system log for debugging and error output.