This script auto-updates by default. If you prefer not then just modify the file and set auto_update_enabled = False
Before you use this script, please make sure you have you have a rule present for SSH to remotely manage your machine, preferably only to your IP(s)!
sudo apt update
sudo apt install npm -y
sudo npm install pm2 -g
pm2 update
cd ~
git clone
cd btt-miner-shield
nano ~/btt-miner-shield/
Adjust as needed:
# Updates
auto_update_enabled = True
update_interval = 300 # Time in seconds check for updates (300 sec = 5 min)
upgrade_btt = True # Set to true to upgrade machines to the latest Bittensor
# Defense
ban_conn_count_over = 3 # Maximum Concurrent connections, otherwise ban!
ban_excessive_conn_count_over = 10 # Maximum Concurrent connections regardless of port (for a higher threshold)
ban_conn_time_over = 330 # Maximum oldest connection time in seconds
states_file_timeout = 30 # The required freshness in seconds of the connection states file
sleep_between_checks = 5 # Time in seconds between connection monitoring
# Uptime
auto_restart_process = True # Whether you want the script to restart the pm2 process if it is found without meaningful work past a period of time
subnet_oldest_debug_minutes = { # Configuration for subnet-specific oldest debug axon minutes
-1: 10,
13: 25,
22: 20,
# Add more as needed
subnet_liveness_check_cmd = { # Dictionary mapping subnet IDs to grep commands for checking liveness
-1: "grep -e 'DEBUG' | grep -e 'axon' | grep -e '-->' | grep -v '| 404 |'",
24: "grep -e 'INFO' | grep -ie 'Succes' | grep -ie 'fully' | grep -ie 'transmitted'",
# Add more custom grep commands for other subnets as needed
# use this for testing time frames: pm2 logs --nostream --lines 15000 | grep -e 'DEBUG' | grep -e 'axon' | grep -e '-->' | grep -v '| 404 |'
process_log_lines_lookback = 1000 # Number of lines to look back for meaningful work
# Comms
discord_mention_code = '<@&0123456789876543210>' # You can get this by putting a \ in front of a mention and sending a message in the discord GUI client
cp ~/btt-miner-shield/.env.sample ~/btt-miner-shield/.env
nano ~/btt-miner-shield/.env
# edit for your discord webhook and desired IP whitelist (if any)
pm2 start --name btt-miner-shield-protection --interpreter python3 && pm2 save
Use this when the running process does not indicate netuid.
pm2 start --name btt-miner-shield-protection --interpreter python3 -- --netuid 19 && pm2 save
pm2 logs btt-miner-shield-protection
cd ~/btt-miner-shield && git pull && pm2 restart btt-miner-shield-protection && pm2 save && pm2 logs btt-miner-shield-protection