This repository contains the official implementation of the software application described in the manuscript: U-Infuse: Democratization of Customizable Deep Learning for Object Detection
- RetinaNet
- RetinaNet models can be downloaded here
- Click here to download U-Infuse for Windows. Step through the Windows installation wizard and follow the prompts (Ignore security warning).
- Download and
- Make a directory called U_Infuse and then put the downloaded files into it
- Open a cmd window and go into U_Infuse using cmd cd U_Infuse
- Run the cmd sh ./ (you may have to authenticate first, e.g. setproxy, then put in your username and password)
- The message "U-Infuse has been installed. Please run in the modules directory to launch U-Infuse." should show up if it has installed correctly
- Change into the modules dir using the cmd: cd modules
- Run the cmd: python3
- Done! U-Infuse should now be ready to use.
- Install keras-retinanet
- Git clone this repository
- Place your images in the datasets directory
- Place the corresponding annotations (if you have them) in the annotations directory
- Download the single_class_annotator (here), and place it in RetinaNet/pretrained_models/
- Download the pretrainedCOCO.h5 file (here), and place it in RetinaNet/pretrained_models/
- To train a custom object detector, use the U-Infuse RetinaNet Preprocessing and Training Jupyter Notebook
- Once training is complete, go to the U-Infuse RetinaNet Preview Custom Models Jupyter Notebook to select and export your model
- You can then use your model for inference/object detection by using the U-Infuse RetinaNet Run Object Detection and Generate Reports Jupyter Notebook
- If you do not have annotated images, you can auto-annotate your images using the U-Infuse RetinaNet Auto-annotator Jupyter Notebook
- If you wish to edit the annotations, download and use labelImg
- Once annotations are complete, follow steps 7-9