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Rhythmbox File Organizer - fixed ntfs file naming issue


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Welcome to version 3!

Updating this plugin for RB 3.0, Tag support is not available in python3 yet. (python-eyed3)

1.0 Install
2.0 Usage & Main Features
2.1 Other Features
3.0 Configuration and customisation
3.1 Compilation Support
3.2 Plugin Preferences Window
4.0 Change History
5.0 Contribute



To install the plugin, simply double-click the INSTALL file.
To unsinstall run the UNINSTALL file.

If you want to install manually, extract to the following directory:
 * $HOME/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/fileorganizer/

Possible extra requirements are python-configparser and python-eyed3 (when eyed3 is updated to python3)



This plugin is pretty simple but it has a few complicated features under the hood.

Once the plugin is installed, simply enable it in Rhythmbox. A restart of rhythmbox will be required to detect the plugin if it was open when you installed.

When the plugin is enabled, you will notice an option in the right-click menu of music items (like songs) that will read 'Organize selection'. Clicking this will organize the selected files following a defined structure (see 3. Configuration and customisation) for both folders and filenames. Thats all there is to it.


Intelligent duplicate backup:
 * When two songs have the same name, the plugin moves the file to a backup directory. 
 * If you lose a file, you'll probably in a folder named 'backup' in the root of your music library.

Move all non music files with your music:
 * When enabled, Fiileorganizer will move files like text files and pictures with that music file. 
 * This is great for keeping all files organised, not just music.

Import cover art into the Rhythmbox cache:
 * When enabled, the plugin will import cover art that it finds in the music folder. 
 * The default cache location is: $HOME/.cache/rhythmbox/covers/

Log file for all actions:
 * The log file is an invaluable tool to see what happens when running fileorganizer. 
 * By default this file is hidden in your home folder: $HOME/.fileorganizer.log



The output when running 'Organize Selection' is set from dconf-editor using default Rhythmbox settings:
 * org.gnome.rhythmbox.library/layout-filename (Is the filename for your output)
 * org.gnome.rhythmbox.library/layout-path (Is the folder path for your output)
 * org.gnome.rhythmbox.rhythmdb/locations (Is your library path)

Using these, your final output becomes:
 * library + layout-path + layout-filename

The Locations setting can actually be multiple locations, the first value is always taken by the plugin.

The Variables for layout_path and layout_filename follow the same values as rhythmbox:
 * %at -- album title
 * %aa -- album artist (Album artist will use track artist if it does not exist)
 * %aA -- album artist (lowercase)
 * %as -- album artist sortname
 * %aS -- album artist sortname (lowercase)
 * %ay -- album release year
 * %an -- album disc number
 * %aN -- album disc number, zero padded
 * %ag -- album genre
 * %aG -- album genre (lowercase)
 * %tn -- track number (i.e 8)
 * %tN -- track number, zero padded (i.e 08)
 * %tt -- track title
 * %ta -- track artist
 * %tA -- track artist (lowercase)

Variables not ported yet:
 * %ts -- track artist sortname
 * %tS -- track artist sortname (lowercase)


Fileorganizer will use the album artist tag which is a part of rhythmbox and replace the artist field. For example:
 * Path: /music/$artist/$year $album/$disc-$track - $title
 * Input: /music/new/spawn soundtrack/01 - filter & the crystal method - trip like i do.mp3
 * Set Album Artist to 'Various' in Rhythmbox.
 * Output: /music/Various/1997 Spawn/1-01 - Can't You (Trip Like I Do).mp3


The preferences window gives you the ability to switch features on or off. The 'Enabled' check boxes will obviously disable these features.

Log File:
 * Set the filename of the log file (stored in your home folder)

Import Cover Art
 * List of coverart filenames that if found are imported to the rhythmbox cover cache for that album

File/Folder Cleanup
 * If enabled, files within the same folder that aren't music files are moved as well

Remove Empty Folders
 * If the source folder is empty after moving, delete the folder



Currently running on RB 3.0
 * Tag Library python-eyed3 not available for python 3.

2.0.1-2 features include:
Preview Mode
 * Files are not moved or changed in any way while in preview mode.
 * When completed up to two text files will open showing changes or possibly damaged files.
 * To enable preview mode, set enable it in the preferences window.
Update Tags After Relocation
 * The plugin now uses python-eyeD3 for checking tag values.
 * After organising the selected files, fileorganizer will update the mp3 tags for you to 

2.0 features include:
 * GTK3 Rhythmbox 3/GIT support
 * Moved settings from Gconf to Gsettings
 * Random bug fixes
 * New code base [1]

1.1 features include:
 * UI Implemented
 * Configuration File
 * Import cover art from the source folder to the RB cache if found.
 * Ability to disable file/folder cleanup and other features.

1.0.3-2 features include:
 * Fixes to backup support.
 * UTF-8 encoding support.
 * Fixed move folder contents with files.
 * Notification on completion using pynotify.
 * More code cleanup and additions.

1.0.3 features include:
 * File management of non music files.
 * A physical log file stored in the home folder.
 * Moved the backup folder to the root of the music library.
 * Compilation support using rhythmbox's album artist field.

1.0.2 features include:
 * Support for Rhythmbox > 0.13.1
 * Added $disc and $year support.



To contribute, please refer to our launchpad page [2]


[2] Launchpad page:


Rhythmbox File Organizer - fixed ntfs file naming issue







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  • Python 96.2%
  • Makefile 3.4%
  • Shell 0.4%