d2r-handle-closer.ps1 closes "Check For Other Instance" handles from d2r.exe processes. After starting the script it says running checking/closing handles every 10 seconds.
Handle.exe is required for the script to run and must be downloaded from Microsoft/extracted to the same
folder as d2r-handle-closer.ps1
The script runs in a loop (every 10 seconds) and scans for d2r instances with open "Check For Other Instances" handles.
The command to find the open handles using handle.exe is:
> .\handle.exe -a -p d2r "Check For Other Instances" -nobanner
D2R.exe pid: 110040 type: Event 7E8: \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\DiabloII Check For Other Instances
You can then use handle.exe along with the pid and event from the prior call to close the handle:
> .\handle.exe -c 7E8 -p 110040 -y -nobanner
7E8: Event \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\DiabloII Check For Other Instances
Handle closed.
When an open handle is found the script uses RegEx to pull the pid/event out of the serach result and then passes them into the close handle call.
Download d2r-handle-closer.ps1/Handle.exe/pwsh and put them in the same folder.
Run an administrative PowerShell 7 prompt and navigate to the folder where the files are
(ex: cd D:\src\d2r-handle-closer
You might have to run Unblock-File .\d2r-handle-closer.ps1
before your PC will allow you to run it
(only needs to be done once). You will also have to run Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser RemoteSigned
if this is the first time you are running PowerShell Scritps. You can read more about Executionpolicy from Microsoft
Then just run the script Ex:
PS D:\src\d2r-handle-closer> .\d2r-handle-closer.ps1
794: Event \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\DiabloII Check For Other Instances
Handle closed.
@{Path=D:\Games\Battle.net\Diablo II Resurrected - 1\D2R.exe}
79C: Event \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\DiabloII Check For Other Instances
Handle closed.
@{Path=D:\Games\Battle.net\Diablo II Resurrected - 1\D2R.exe}
@{Path=D:\Games\Battle.net\Diablo II Resurrected - 2\D2R.exe}
7A0: Event \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\DiabloII Check For Other Instances
Handle closed.
@{Path=D:\Games\Battle.net\Diablo II Resurrected - 1\D2R.exe}
@{Path=D:\Games\Battle.net\Diablo II Resurrected - 2\D2R.exe}
@{Path=D:\Games\Battle.net\Diablo II Resurrected - 3\D2R.exe}
To stop press Ctrl + c
or close PowerShell.
If you get a security warning pops that says to:
A driver cannot load on this device Driver: procexp152.sys
Make sure you have the latest version of handle.exe