功能: 1.编译、调试C和C++文件; 2.支持自己切换编译器路径(暂时只支持MinGW); 3.支持关键字高亮; 4.支持括号匹配和补全; 5.支持自动缩进; 6.支持切换编辑器字体和主题(黑色和白色); 7.发布版打包了MinGW 7.3.0 64bit,可以直接选用。
温馨提示: 1.第一次运行需要先配置编译器路径(bin目录),路径类似于 something/MinGW/bin; 2.编译器和需要编译、调试的文件目录都不能有空格和中文。
GCode Studio小组。
组长:张梦沛 组员:曾亦诺 吴浩天 郝佳博 吕浩程
This is the release version of the team assignment of the course Comprehensive Software Engineering Practice during the small semester in 2020 of Software Engineering Major, grade 2018, of Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), which is an IDE.
Features: 1.Compiling, debugging C and Cpp files; 2.Configuring compiler path with your own path (In V1.0, only MinGW is supported); 3.Keywords highlighter; 4.Parenthesis matching and auto completion. 5.Auto indentation; 6.Configuring editor font family and themes (In V1.0, only dark theme and light theme are supported); 7.MinGW 7.3.0 64 bit within the release package, which is a good choice for your compiler.
Notes: 1.Remember to configure your compiler path (bin) for the first run, which looks like something/MinGW/bin; 2.No blank characters (spaces) or Asian characters within any path, otherwise it won't work as expected.
GCode Studio. Team leader: Zhang Mengpei; Team members: Zeng Yinuo, Wu Haotian, Hao Jiabo, Lv Haocheng.
Powered by Qt, developed with Qt 5.12.2 MinGW 64bit version. No license, non-commercial, only for personal learning purpose.