Deep Learning System for the Recognition of Handwritten Words implemented in TensorFlow and trained with the IAM Handwriting Database.
A cross validation and the IAM test are performed on this system.
- Script for cleaning and preprocessing images..
- Neural network model implemented in TensorFlow.
- Script for cross validation.
- Script to train the model and store the parameters that achieve a better result.
- Script to test a previously trained model.
- Useful functions in different parts of the project.
- This file is for convert csv file to text file
Python 3.6 y librerías:
- TensorFlow 1.3
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Json
- Ast
After downloading or cloning the repository, it is necessary to download the dataset from the IAM Handwriting Database and unzip it in the "Offline-Handwriting-Recognition-with-TensorFlow \ Data" directory.
Once we have obtained the dataset we execute:
python3 [path_config_file]
If no path is added to the configuration file the default path "./config.json" will be taken
This script selects the test-friendly images, resizes them, and adds padding to match their dimensions.
To carry out cross-validation of the model, it is only necessary to execute:
python3 [path_config_file]
This script performs 10 validations with different subdivisions of the original dataset and stores the results in CSV format.
The first step is to train the model with the dataset offered by IAM with specific subdivisions. For this we execute:
python3 [path_config_file]
This script performs a model training and stores the parameters that have given the best result for the validation dataset.
Once we have the model trained, we obtain the test result by executing:
python3 [path_config_file]
The result is displayed on the screen and the system outputs are stored in CSV.