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Ember addon for Swiper slider v6 library.


  • Ember.js v3.16 or above
  • Ember CLI v2.13 or above
  • Node.js v10 or above
ember install ember-swiper6


You can change all global configuration settings via config/environment.js file.

Please check Swiper site for more configuration details.

ENV['ember-swiper6'] = {
  speed: 450,
  loop: true, // etc

You can import only modules you want.

Available module names:

  • a11y
  • autoplay
  • controller
  • effect-coverflow
  • effect-cube
  • effect-fade
  • effect-flip
  • hash-navigation
  • history
  • keyboard
  • lazy
  • mousewheel
  • navigation
  • pagination
  • parallax
  • scrollbar
  • thumbs
  • virtual
  • zoom
ENV['ember-swiper6'] = {
  imports: '*', // or ["*"] for every modules
ENV['ember-swiper6'] = {
  imports: ['a11y', 'pagination', 'navigation'], // only these modules

Default configuration

<Swiper as |swiper|>
  <swiper.slide> // or not contextual Swiper::Slide
    Slide 1
    Slide 2
    Slide 3

Full configuration

  @scrollbar={{hash el='.swiper-scrollbar' hide=true}}
  @on={{hash init=(fn this.log)}} as |swiper|
  <!-- Block component for slides -->
    Slide 1
    Slide 2
    Slide 3
  <!-- If you use @pagination parameter you must use swiper.pagination component. Otherwise it won't show. -->
  <swiper.pagination />
  <!-- If you want to change the defaults use swiper.pagination component with block. -->
    <div class="my-swiper-pagination"></div>
  <!-- Same as @pagination -->
  <swiper.navigation />
  <!-- Same as @pagination -->
  <swiper.scrollbar />
  <!-- If you want to reach the instance you should use swiper.header or swiper.footer component. This yields the instance. -->
  <!-- swiper.content component is deprecated now. -->
  <!-- swiper.header will place before the slider no matter where you put. -->
  <!-- swiper.footer will place after the slider no matter where you put. -->
  <!-- That way you can reach all parameters and invoke methods like slideTo etc... -->
  <swiper.header as |self|>
    <button type="button" {{on 'click' (fn this.slideTo self)}}>
  <swiper.footer as |self|>
    <button type="button" {{on 'click' (fn this.slideTo self)}}>

All slideXXX events returns swiper instance. That way you can reach all properties like realIndex etc...

Note: If you use sass or less; ember-swiper6 will be imported automatically.

In ember-swiper6 file; after the //IMPORT_COMPONENTS line you should import the component(s) you need.

Ex: For scrollbar: @import './components/scrollbar/scrollbar'; etc...


See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.