Elixir RSS/Atom parser library for Podcast feeds. Built on the erlsom xml parser in SAX mode. It uses timex for parsing dates.
Podcast-Feeds eats Feeds (XML Strings) and parses them into an Elixir Struct.
defmodule Feed do
defstruct meta: nil,
entries: []
, entries
and other structs are described in lib/poscast-feeds.ex
For a quick check in iex:
mix deps.get
iex -S mix
iex(5)> PodcastFeeds.parse(File.read!("test/fixtures/rss2/sample1.xml"))
- factor out all parse utils into its own module, accessible from extension modules
- record used namespaces
- implement atom namespace
- implement itunes namespace
- implement psc namespace
- implement content (encoded) namespace
- support feeds in atom format
- introduce some kind of error/warning stack for feed shaming