MPHYG001 Research Software Engineering With Python coursework 2
Refactored clone of: A deliberately bad implementation of Boids for use as an exercise on refactoring.
usage: boids [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--count COUNT]
[--fly_to_middle_strength FLY_TO_MIDDLE_STRENGTH]
[--alert_distance ALERT_DISTANCE]
[--formation_flying_distance FORMATION_FLYING_DISTANCE]
[--formation_flying_strength FORMATION_FLYING_STRENGTH]
Boid simulator: Simulates birds flying in flocks using the boids model.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
Boid simulator YAML configuration file. Defaults are
shown and used if not specified.
--count COUNT Overwrite bird count given in cfg file.
--fly_to_middle_strength FLY_TO_MIDDLE_STRENGTH
Overwrite settings given in cfg file.
--alert_distance ALERT_DISTANCE
Overwrite settings given in cfg file.
--formation_flying_distance FORMATION_FLYING_DISTANCE
Overwrite settings given in cfg file.
--formation_flying_strength FORMATION_FLYING_STRENGTH
Overwrite settings given in cfg file.
Exemplary YAML configuration file:
count: 50
vxlim: [0, 10]
vylim: [-20, 20]
xlim: [-450, 50]
ylim: [300, 600]
alert_distance: 100
fly_to_middle_strength: 0.01
formation_flying_strength: 0.125
formation_flying_distance: 10000
frames: 50
interval: 50
xlim: [-500, 1500]
ylim: [-500, 1500]