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Clean Architecture kata: the Pokemon case

Kata to practice your code design skills.


Refactor the code in src/server.js using the Clean Architecture pattern. Make sure the tests remain green. TDD is a must!


This code decides who would win in a fight between two pokemons. It offers a single endpoint GET /fight-prediction and takes two query parameters: pokemonAId and pokemonBId. The endpoint returns the id of the pokemon supposed to win.


The Clean Architecture allows developpers to organize their code in concentric layers where the business rules (called Entities or Domains) live at the core of applications and do not depend on anything else but themselves.

These rules are orchestrated through controllers (called Use-cases) which represent sets of application-specific business rules. Once defined, the Use-cases are used by Adapters and exposed to the outside world: UI, REST APIs, etc.

More details here: The Clean Architecture.


Start the application:

$ npm start

Start the application in watch mode:

$ npm run watch

Run the tests:

$ npm test

Run the tests in watch mode:

$ npm run test:watch


Need help to get started? No worries! Here are a few tips:

  • Start by extracting the business rules, namely the code comparing pokemon weights and returning the fattest as the winner. You can create a dedicated file called src/domain.js with a function getFattest which takes two pokemons and return... the fattest! Now use this function in src/server.js.

  • Extract the code responsible of querying in src/repository.js with a function called findPokemon that takes an ID and return a pokemon object. Use this function in src/server.js.

  • Extract the two previous parts in src/use-case.js (without the routing part) in a function named makePrediction that takes two IDs, retrieve the pokemons associated using the repository and use the domain to make a prediction. It returns the most likely winner. Use this function in src/server.js.


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