THIS IS AN OUTDATED PROJECT if you need an universal Application around gatsby apollo using graphql (prisma) then just follow the link: Please right now refer to
I think now gatsby remain the best to make a ssr react application to have nice SEO
So now the technologie used like prerender are old age.
This boilerplate created in order to help developper to create multi-language react website with material-ui support.
We did a version fully working with server side rendering but not maintained anymore, because we decided to start from single page application instead, will be easier to maintain!
We use to prerender and cache our we-site for google SEO
NEW Hot!!! USE WEBPACK chunk
The boilerplate use code-splitting of webpack depending language and routes of users
Done: Refactoring of routes naming convention never one style is named like his own .js
This is a starter boilerplate app
We together using the following technologies:
fontawesome + mobx + material-ui + bootstrap +
- Both client and server make calls to load data from separate API server
- React
- ProxyPass with nginx Nginx manage javascript-cors and help us to develop under (port 80)
- Express
- Babel for ES6 and ES7 magic
- Webpack for bundling
- Webpack code splitting Code splitted depending language and routes with require.ensure
- Webpack Dev Middleware
- Webpack Hot Middleware
- mobx Better than redux in my opinion to maintain code
- mobx Dev Tools for next generation DX (developer experience).
- ESLint to maintain a consistent code style
- mobx-react-form best form validation with mobx
- style-loader, and less-loader to allow import of stylesheets in plain css, sass and less,
- bootstrap v3 bootstrap + jquery CDN loaded async with
I cobbled this together from a wide variety of similar "starter" repositories.
As I post this in June 2016, all of these libraries are right at the bleeding edge of web development.
They may fall out of fashion as quickly as they have come into it, but I personally believe that this stack is the future of web development and will survive for several years.
I'm building my new projects with this, and I recommend that you do, too.
Recent change, added frontside effect (to use bootstrap popover+modal...)
see code head section in index.ejs
The global var window._q used to check when bootstrap+jquery loading is done
Link and Linkmaterial support Safari now
Router support russian url character (url_decode)
Multi-language support with flags languages selection
-> Recent Added:
Updated new mobx + ajv-form version
"mobx": "^2.5.0",
eslint + jsx-control-statements lint support for better tracking bug code
Promise bluebird by default with help of babel-plugin-transform-promise-to-bluebird
Link and Linkmaterial check route for current language and displaying in console for route problem
Linkmaterial support auth bouton now
1 - install nginx for mac-os
2 - Install app
IN root folder of react-app
a) npm install (install babel dependencies)
b) npm run new (this install and deps of MY application in ./temp)
normally i checked all dependencies
- delete the feathers-authentication installed in ./temp/node_modules/
and replace by mine (i did some little hack to make the new work with my config)
Do unzip ./temp/ to ./temp/node_modules/
- I added ukrainien flag in material-ui-country-flags
Do unzip ./temp/ to ./temp/node_modules/
b) install my config with nginx for proxying all listening to localhost
Our config manage cors, it's friendly Cross-domain
We installed 4 language: french, ukrainien, russian, english (you can modify it for your need)
Change respectivly in generic 'mysite' to your domain
Generic-conf work for url as
- (for french)
- (for russian)
- (for english)
IN react-app run:
sudo cp -f ./temp/domain-conf-nginx/generic_conf/nginx.conf /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
sudo cp -f ./temp/domain-conf-nginx/generic__conf/hosts /etc/hosts
sudo cp -f ./temp/domain-conf-nginx/generic__conf/.env ./temp/.env
So We link all my server to localhost
to check the port running it's in config file .env in ./temp
First run nginx simply:
sudo nginx (in super user because we listen 80)
IMPORTANT FIRST Run server for feathers (watch mode with debug mode authentication)
from ./temp
DEBUG=feathers-authentication:* node bin/server.js -
Finally Run Application in other console:
from root (parent of temp folder)
npm start
You re done ! (no need install after new the scalfolding react-app will do for you).
see webpack.config.js for my configuration
CSS should be done with basscss
I applyed some bootstrap css only because i use popover of it.
But i prefer basscss it's much simpler
add dotenv to control easily application port with a file .env
cssnano just to optimize css output
copy-webpack-plugin to push asset from a directory (else assets didn't found from memory)
If you have some dependances problem to run it please say me on skype simonzkyp or [email protected]
For server-side rendering see code of:
Important no more maintained so it's not work but the code and implementation are still readable...
Old not work with last configuration
forked react-app for ssr see webpackssr.config.js for configuration
Add fonctionnalities
deploy react-app-ssr application: (this work is temporary stopped but should work) npm run newssr npm run startssr
Comment developping:
You can add others template
Just need to set a environnement variable with the name of the template (for me ssr) The name of template folder have to begin by 'app-'
Name relation: ex folder /templates/app-mytemplate
in script "newssr": "template=mytemplate node ./app/bin/react-app new --test-sdk", in package.json
webpack.config.js become webpackmytemplate.config.js
I added -> 1 webpackconfig for ssr -> select template in scripts
I removed index.html (it's generated by server.js)
I kept browser-sync and hot-middleware, but i use a proxy
New npm:
webpack-isomorphic-tools to allow require() work for statics both on client and server
webpack-middleware was important to replace over webpack-dev-middleware who is not done for ssr
add dotenv to control easily application port with a file .env
cssnano just to optimize css output
simple-universal-style to push style in server -> important
isomorphic-fetch for routes (code of core/router nothing change)
did change in core/history for the server
copy-webpack-plugin to push asset from a directory (else assets didn't found from memory)