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MosquitoNet Linux / OS X Build Status Windows Build Status Documentation Status

Keep the bugs out on Linux, OS X and Windows. MosquitoNet is a C++14 unit testing and model checking framework.


  • Single header version makes it simple to get started.
  • Only one macro, which only adds file and line arguments to a simple function call. This means you're always dealing with core C++ code, so you could generate tests programatically.
  • Simple tests or BDD style tests.
  • Parameterized tests.
  • Model checking. Specify a model and the values each argument can have and MosquitoNet will check every combination of arguments against your model.
  • Customizable assertions using natural C++ expressions.
  • Tests can continue to run after the first failure.
  • Nested test contexts.


This example shows some of the more advanced features of MosquitoNet. For a quick-start guide, see Getting Started.

#include "MosquitoNet.h"

#include <vector>
#include <set>

using namespace Enhedron::Test;
using std::vector;
using std::set;

// We'll use this later in some parameterized tests.
void checkVectorSize(Check& check, size_t size) {
    vector<int> v(size, 0);
    check(length(VAR(v)) == size);

static Suite u("Util",
    given("a very simple test", [] (auto& check) {
        int a = 1;

        // VAR is the only macro we need. If the name clashes, undef it
        // and use M_ENHEDRON_VAR. Upon failure, this will log "a == 1",
        // along with the value of `a`.
        check(VAR(a) == 1);

    given("an empty set", [] (auto& check) {
        set<int> s;

        // Upon failure, this will log "length(s) == 1", along with
        // the contents of the set.
        check("it is initially empty", length(VAR(s)) == 0u);

        check.when("we add an element", [&] {
            check("the size is 1", length(VAR(s)) == 1u);

            // This test will run twice. The first time, it will run the when
            // block labelled when("we add a different element"), but skip the
            // when block labelled when("we add the same element"). The second
            // time it runs, it will do the inverse. There can be an arbitrary
            // number of when blocks within each block, nested to an arbitrary
            // depth.
            check.when("we add a different element", [&] {
                check("the size is 2", length(VAR(s)) == 2u);

            check.when("we add the same element", [&] {
                check("the size is still 1", length(VAR(s)) == 1u);

    // Parameterized tests. There can be any number or type of parameters.
    given("a vector of size 0", checkVectorSize, 0),
    given("a vector of size 10", checkVectorSize, 10),

    // Model checking.
            choice(0, 10, 20), // These are the 3 values for `initialSize`.
            choice(0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25) // and these are the 6 for `resizeTo`.
                // This will run the test 3 * 6 = 18 times for every
                // combination of arguments.
        given("a vector with some elements", [] (
                    Check& check,
                    size_t initialSize,
                    size_t resizeTo
                vector<int> v(initialSize, 0);
                check("the initial size is correct",
                      length(VAR(v)) == initialSize);

                check.when("we resize it", [&] {
                    check("the new size is correct",
                          length(VAR(v)) == resizeTo);

                    check("the size <= the capacity",
                          length(VAR(v)) <= v.capacity());

    context("we can also nest contexts",
        context("to an arbitrary depth",
            given("an empty test to illustrate that tests can go here",
                  [] (auto& check) {


C++14 header only BDD/TDD unit testing/model checking framework






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