A Go SDk for accessing the official Battlerite API.
To start using battlerite-go, you just have to install the package:
go get github.com/sime1/battlerite-go
if you want to update the package:
go get -u github.com/sime1/battlerite-go
First you need to import the package:
then inside your function you create a Client using your API key:
client := battlerite.Client{"your_API_key_goes_here"}
To retrieve a list of matches:
matches,err := client.GetMatchList(nil, "", nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: %+v", err)
} else {
you can also choose which matches to retrieve:
matches,err := client.GetMatchList(&battlerite.Page{Limit:2},
&battlerite.MatchFilter{PlayerIds: []string{"playerName1", "another_name"}})
To retrieve a single match:
match,err := client.GetMatch("matchIdHere")
To fetch telemetry data:
match,err := client.GetMatch(id)
if err == nil {
telemetry,err := match.GetTelemetry()
if err == nil {
For detailed information about the usage of battlerite-go, you can just run godoc and look at the generated documentation in your browser:
godoc -http=:8080
then browse to http://localhost:8080
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
0.1.0: initial Release
0.2.0: Player functionalities + README
0.2.1: minor bug fixes
0.3.0: Team functionalities
0.3.1: Update for API V1.6.0