Fresh is a command line tool that builds and (re)starts your web application everytime you save a Go or template file.
If the web framework you are using supports the Fresh runner, it will show build errors on your browser.
It currently works with Traffic, Martini and gocraft/web.
go get
cd /path/to/myapp
Start fresh:
Fresh will watch for file events, and every time you create/modify/delete a file it will build and restart the application.
If go build
returns an error, it will log it in the tmp folder.
Traffic already has a middleware that shows the content of that file if it is present. This middleware is automatically added if you run a Traffic web app in dev mode with Fresh.
Check the _examples
folder if you want to use it with Martini or Gocraft Web.
It's possible to forward app arguments with -a "-arg 1 -arg 2"
uses ./runner.conf
for configuration by default, but you may specify an alternative config filepath using -c
fresh -c other_runner.conf
Here is a sample config file with the default settings:
root: .
tmp_path: ./tmp
build_name: runner-build
build_log: runner-build-errors.log
valid_ext: .go, .tpl, .tmpl, .html
no_rebuild_ext: .tpl, .tmpl, .html
ignored: assets, tmp
build_delay: 600
colors: 1
log_color_main: cyan
log_color_build: yellow
log_color_runner: green
log_color_watcher: magenta