UGA Makeathon 2022
Sidharth Chaudhary, Sarah Sileshi, Sreya Bitra, Noah Samples
We love going to the beach and always notice how dirty it can be in the ocean. We'd love to combat that. The Ocean Cleaner is programmed using an Arduino that controls its motors. As its driving, it scoops up trash and deposits it into a bin. The app user can keep track of what boats are full and their locations as well so it can be called to dock when necessary. We used recylcled materials, except for the Arduino components, to build our prototype. This includes, carboard boxes and soda bottles. Trying to keep the project materials sustainable was challenging but once we were able to go through the recycle bins, that helped us think out the box. We're proud that we were able to complete the project so quickly while using hardware as well as Figma wireframes. Our majors, Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering, allowed us to combine our knowledge to build something amazing. We learned how to use recycled products to build a sustainable project. We hope that big companies are able to focus on this practice while completing their environmental projects. The Ocean Cleaner next steps are making it wireless on a larger scale. This would allow the boats to travel further and clean more areas.