A PyTorch implementation of transformer for text generation.
- Python 3.x
- PyTorch >= 0.4
- tqdm
- numpy
We need to place all train/validation/test data files under the data
all the files are in the same format, i.e., each sequence (sentence or document)
converted to tokenized words per line. The example data we used is
the WMT'16 Multimodal Translation (en-de).
- Preprocess data
python3 preprocess.py -train_src=data/train_example.en -train_tgt=./data/train_example.de -valid_src=data/val_example.en -valid_tgt=data/val_example.de -save_data=data/en2de.pkl
- Training
python3 main_train.py -data=./data/en2de.pkl -log=./log -save_model=train -save_mode=all -proj_share_weight -label_smoothing
- Testing
python3 main_test.py -model=./log/train_xxx_xxx.ckpt -vocab=./data/en2de.pkl -src=./data/test_example.en -output_dir=./output
[1] Vaswani et al., Attention Is All You Need, NIPS(2017).
[2] A PyTorch implementation attention-is-all-you-need-pytorch.