Welcome to the README for "Inuus", the protector of your SSH keys.
Inuus is a work-in-progress at the moment, and borrows some ideas from
, another SSH agent written in Rust.
However, Inuus deviates in the sense that we're looking to support multiple
'secrets provider', including pass
, Bitwarden, and 1Password.
We aim to be a dynamic, fast, and above all, secure SSH key management tool
for multiple platforms.
Keep an eye on this repository, work is continuing behind the scenes, and CI nightlies are coming soon, as well as a Nix package definition.
There should be an option to privately report security vulnerabilities on this
repository. If that doesn't work for you, email this address, using my GPG key
(you can find it on Keybase): shymega+inuus.vulns AT shymega DOT org DOT uk
Licensed under the GPLv3 (or later version). The license file can be found here.