Python implementation of ALL algorithms from Hang Li's "Statistical Learning Methods (in Chinese)"
It is inspired by WenDesi's lihang_book_algorithm.
Why do I rewrite it again?
a) WenDesi's implementation does not support Python 3 and it seems that WenDesi does not maintain it.
b) there are few code comments in WenDesi's and it is not easily to understand the code.
c) from my point, the code styles in WenDesi's does not comply with PEP8.
d) some optimizations for some algorithms are not covered WenDesi's.
which aspects will I enhance?
a) make the code work for Python 3.
b) add more comments to make the code easily to understand.
c) try to comply PEP8 code style.
d) include optimizations for some algorithms in the book.
I am new to Statistical Learning and Python Programming, so welcome to your discussions and pull requests.