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RuStuBS: a rust tutorial operating system inspired by OOStuBS.


Disclaimer Despite the name, this project has absolutely nothing to do with rstubs (Uni Hannover) or RuStuBS (FAU). See Remarks

RuStuBS documentations

This is a toy bare metal operation system implemented in Rust. Apologies for my shitty code, I'm a rust beginner.


[X] means complete, [?] means half-baked

in the name of OOStuBS

  • GDB support (qemu stub)
  • synchronized CGA display
  • rust println! integration
  • Interrupt handler
  • interrupt sync (pro-/epilogue model)
  • Keyboard controller and semaphore input handler
  • multi-threading
  • Scheduler (single CPU)
    • synchronized scheduling
    • waiting tasks
  • Timer Interrupt and preemptive scheduling
  • Synchronization Primitives
    • level3 (prologue) and level2 (epilogue) Synchronization
    • semaphore (spinning and sleeping variants)
  • wall clock and sleep (w. cooperative scheduling)

Beyond StuBS

  • kernel heap management (using the linked-list-allocator ) TODO: implement my own
  • higher half Kernel
  • [?] Task Descriptor structures
  • [?] more control over hardware
    • serial output
    • custom IDT
    • multiboot info
  • in memory FS
    • ustar FS, read-only & statically linked
  • parse and load user elf
  • [?] full-fledged Paging and virtual memory
    • mapping for kernel heap and kernel code (higher half mem)
    • [?] pagefault handler
    • [?] Address Space for each Process + virtual memory management
  • user heap and mmap
  • user library
  • syscall


  • [?] VGA graphic mode
  • FP and SSE state
  • multicore (MPStuBS)
  • aarch64 support


Please take a look at the CI manifest: .builds/x86_64.yml

build dependencies

  • newest rust nightly toolchain: nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu. 1.80 nightly (2024-06-04) is tested.
  • rustfmt, this should be shipped with your rust/cargo installation. If not, install with
    $ cargo install rustfmt
  • GNU ld (GNU Binutils)
  • nasm for the assembly sources
  • xorriso and grub to create bootdisk image.
  • Gnu Make

Add rust sources

  • We use no_std in the rust build. To use the core components, you need to add the rust sources by running e.g. rustup component add rust-src , optionally specify the toolchain here, if the aforementioned nightly is not made default

build and run

  • simply run make, you will get bootdisk.iso, which you can use to boot a bare metal
  • use make qemu to load and test the iso image with qemu (need qemu-system-x86_64)

debug with gdb

  • require gdb (or rust-gdb)
  • make sure you have the debug build (default)
  • run make qemu-gdb in one terminal and make gdb in another.


  • ld (Gnu Binutils) <=2.39 do not support --no-warn-rwx-segments flag. If that's your case, remove it from the LDFLAGS in Makefile
  • grub-mkrescue fails if you don't have the piglatin locale available. Either pick one locale you have, or remove the --locale option for grub-mkrescue in Makefile. (If you don't specify one locale, all will be installed, resulting in a unnecessarily huge image).


├── boot            # early boot/startup code
├── defs            # specs for target arch, linking and compiler
├── docs            # namely
├── isofiles        # assets for the grub generated iso
├── src             # main source code
├── .build          # CI manifests (for
├── .cargo          # config for cargo build (build-std)


NOTE: before submitting code, check linter and code format by running make check, or add this to your git pre-commit hook e.g.

if ! make check; then
    echo "ERROR: linter or formatting error. Make sure your code passes rustfmt and clippy"
    exit 1

Anyone can contribute to rustubs. Please refer to the contribution guidelines

License & Copyright

This project is licensed under EUPL 1.2.. See LICENSE and ATTRIBUTIONS.

Notes on OOStuBS The OOStuBS, which this project takes inspirations from, doesn't allow re-distribution without written consent from its copyright holders. This project contains some small pieces of boilerplate code and comments from OOStuBS (such as initializing the GDT). These are generic enough that the OOStuBS copyright shouldn't apply (also see below for details). Also I'll gradually get rid of such snippets.


Relationship w. OOStuBS This project is inspired by OOStuBS. It started as a mere copy, but the path quickly diverged.

The third stage masks the absence of a profound reality, where the sign pretends to be a faithful copy, but it is a copy with no original. Signs and images claim to represent something real, but no representation is taking place and arbitrary images are merely suggested as things which they have no relationship to. -- Baudrillard, Jean (1981). Simulacres et simulation

  • This project DOES NOT try to complete and/or disclose the solutions to OOStuBS lab assignments. (There are indeed overlapping parts, but it would be the same amount of difficulty, if not more difficult, to read, understand and translate rust code into the OOStuBS CPP code, than to read manuals and write CPP code yourself).
  • This project DOES NOT aim to be a 1:1 port. (i.e. do the same thing but in rust).
  • The "OO" (objekt orientiert) aspect is torn. The OOP concept creates an illusion that "data" and "code" magically belong to "object", which is never the case. I personally prefer NOT to use too much OOP in system programming.

Relationship w. rstubs NONE. This project has nothing to do the Uni Hannover rstubs project, a OOStuBS spin-off written in rust. As a matter of fact, I didn't know its existence until I accidentally came across it recently. People come up with similar ideas, it happens.

Relationship w. RuStuBS (FAW) NONE. We happen to share the name (unluckily...). Actually I think I started before FAU's.

Why not projects like blog_os? firstly, because it's my own practice. "What I can't create, I don't understand". Secondly, the newest revision of blog_os can only be booted with BIOS, not UEFI. And the complexity (e.g. the sartup.s) is hidden behind the bootimage, I feel necessary to go through the painful part.

Your code sucks yes.