This repository contains the Python files to reproduce the results from the paper titled "Two-Step Q-learning".
The first example is analogous to the classic maximization example provided in the book - Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (Chapter 6, Example 6.1).
The directory Max_Bias has all the files required to run the algorithms and, consequently, files to compare the algorithms with plots.
The second example comprises of generating a hundred random MDPs using mdptoolbox by [pymdptoolbox] ( More specifically, a hundred random MDPs are generated, each with restriction and without restrictions on the structure of the MDPs. Further, using the, the algorithms are compared in terms of average error.
Step 1: Download and Install Python MDP Toolbox from
Step 2: Replace the and file in original MDP Toolbox with the updated and files provided respectively.
The third example is a classic roulette problem expressed as a single-state multi-armed bandit problem. Once again, the directory roulette as a multi-armed bandit has all the files required to run the algorithms and plot the graphs.
One can refer to the paper for any further details regarding the parameters and convergence of the proposed two-step Q-learning algorithm.
The Max_Bias example and Roulette as a multi-armed bandit example are based on and adapted from The-Mean-Squared-Error-of-Double-Q-Learning.
Many thanks to the original authors for their contributions.