Releases: shreyasminocha/regex-for-regular-folk
Releases Β· shreyasminocha/regex-for-regular-folk
- Complete Flags chapter β c2d2364
- Add more lookahead explanation β 1c351cd
- Make some explanations and examples clearer β c2dc7f9, b574b67
- Add more examples β 8c54a9d
- Fix typos β d3186eb (#25 by @Whatapalaver), 440aa2f
- Fix visual glitch in Groups example β d6e0195 (#24 opened by @ketra21)
- Add cover β 47cd2dc
- Several website improvements and fixes
Thanks to all readers, stargazers, people who opened issues, and contributors!
- Fix typos β 1822b2f, c0950a1 (@bradym)
- Fix examples β 69dadb8 (@keune)
- Make some explanations and examples clearer β 62fbe03, 1765b01, 380321e, 57a322c
- Add some examples and test cases β a88e6cb, b4cb1dc
- Make xkcd attribution explicit β 180f871
- Website improvements and bug fixes
Thanks to all contributors and everyone who shared feedback on HackerNews and in the issues!