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TypeScript Tips

Do's And Don'ts (Best Practices)

These common rules and best practices are intended to help your code to become as safe, strict, readable and maintainable as possible.

TypeScript Guru


1.1 DO NOT EVER use Number, String, Boolean, Symbol, or Object types

Reason: Don’t ever use the types Number, String, Boolean, Symbol, or Object. These types refer to non-primitive boxed objects that are almost never used appropriately in JavaScript code. These type names (starting with capital letter) are legal, but refer to some special built-in types that will very rarely appear in the code. Always use number, string, boolean, symbol and object for types.

More information you can find in this example: object VS Object.

1.2 DO NOT use Function type

Reason: Don’t use the Function type, most likely, you will never need it. It doesn't define a type for the functions. It only says that this is something callable. You lose all the types for arguments and the return type is any. Always define the function type as precise and correct as possible!


// Very Bad

function invoke(callback: Function): void {
    // you can pass any number of parameters and any kind of parameters
    const result = callback(1, 2, 3, true);
    // `result` has `any` type

    return result;
// Good

function invoke(callback: (time: number) => void): void {
    // you have a control under a number of parameters and their types
    // you receive a clear return type of the `callback`

1.3 DO NOT use any type

Reason: Don’t use the any type. any turns off all the types checking and usage of TypeScript loses the whole sense at all. Moreover, it leads to runtime errors. Avoid any usage wherever only possible and define proper types!

Use the unknown type if you don't know what type you have. This is a safe variety of any that helps to avoid runtime errors.


// Very Bad

let array: any = [1, 2, 3];
array = null;
array = true;

array.forEach(item => console.log(item));
// Good

let array: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
// TS will not allow inappropriate assignments
// array = null;
// array = true;

array.forEach(item => console.log(item));

1.4 DO NOT use {} type

Reason: Don’t use the {} type because it doesn't mean an empty object type that you likely expect. {} is literally the Object type. Read more. Avoid using the {} type wherever only possible and define proper types!


// Very Bad

let emptyObj: {} = {};

// this doesn't work due to TS error
// emptyObj.prop = 123;

// but the following is ok
emptyObj = 'hello';
emptyObj = 123;
emptyObj = false;
// Good

let emptyObj: Partial<Record<string, number>> = {};
// works fine
emptyObj.prop = 123;

// TS will not allow inappropriate assignments
// emptyObj = 'hello';
// emptyObj = 123;
// emptyObj = false;

1.5 DO NOT use Non-null Assertion Operator (Postfix!) if possible

Reason: Don’t use the Non-null Assertion Operator (!) because you enforce TypeScript to get rid of null and undefined types. In most cases you can avoid using ! via the Optional chaining operator (?) or using a condition check. Don't use it until you really ensure that you will not receive null or undefined, otherwise, it can lead to runtime errors. Avoid using ! until you ensured that you will not receive null or undefined!


// Bad

const button = document.querySelector('.selector'); // Element | null
// DO NOT trust anybody
// Good

const button = document.querySelector('.selector'); // Element | null
// let TS make sure

// or this way
if (button) {

Where you can really need !:

// Ok

function getFirst(array: number[]): number {
    // you have a check here but TS doesn't understand it
    if (array.length === 0) {
        return 0;

    return array.shift()!;

function goThroughStack(stack: number[]): number[] {
    const newArray: number[] = [];

    // you have a check here but TS doesn't understand it
    while (stack.length > 0) {
        const lastValue = stack.pop()!;
        // do something...

    return newArray;

function groupById(array: [id: string, value: number][]): Partial<Record<string, number[]>> {
    const objMap: Partial<Record<string, number[]>> = {};

    array.forEach(([id, value]) => {
        // you guarantee a receiving of an array here but TS doesn't understand it
        objMap[id] ??= [];

    return objMap;

1.6 DO NOT use Type Assertions (as) if possible

Reason: Don’t use Type Assertions (as) because you enforce TypeScript to accept another type instead of the current one. In most cases you can avoid using as via a correct condition check. Don't use it until you really ensure that you will not receive any other type, otherwise, it can lead to runtime errors. Avoid using Type Assertions (as) until you ensured that you will never receive another type!


interface MyObj {
    method: () => number;

// Bad

const myObj = {} as MyObj;
myObj.method(); // RUNTIME ERROR

// Bad

function run(arg: string | number | boolean[] | null | undefined): string {
    return (arg as string).toUpperCase(); // RUNTIME ERROR

// Very Bad

const ID = 12 as unknown as string;
ID.toUpperCase(); // RUNTIME ERROR

// Very Bad

const NAME = 'Name' as any as number;
interface MyObj {
    method: () => number;

// Good

const myObj: MyObj = {
    method: () => Math.random(),

// Good

function run(arg: string | number | boolean[] | null | undefined): string {
    // TS automatically removes `null` and `undefined` types after such a check
    if (!arg) {
        return '';
    // now `arg` type is `string | number | boolean[]`

    // TS automatically recognizes `boolean[]` type after `instanceof` check
    if (arg instanceof Array) {
        return arg.join(' - ');
    // now `arg` type is `string | number`

    // TS automatically recognizes `number` type after `typeof` check
    if (typeof arg === 'number') {
        return arg.toFixed();
    // now `arg` type is `string`

    // TS automatically recognizes `string` type due to types narrowing
    return arg.toUpperCase();

1.7 DO NOT EVER use @ts-ignore

Reason: Don’t ever use @ts-ignore that basically turns off a TypeScript compiler. You always have to correctly resolve compiler issues when they appear via a correct and precise types definition or via the programming language efforts. Otherwise, it can lead to runtime errors and the usage of TypeScript loses the whole of its sense. DO NOT EVER use @ts-ignore in your codebase!

2. Type VS Interface

There is some difference between declaration types via type either interface keyword:

  • type declares a Type Alias that exactly means a name for any type. It can be any object, literal, union or intersection type.
  • An interface declaration is just a way to name an object type. Interfaces may only be used to declare the shapes of object, not re-name primitives.
  • Interface names (declared via interface) will always appear in their original form in error messages, but only when they are used by name. Type names (declared via type) can't guarantee this.
  • Type aliases may not participate in declaration merging, but interfaces can.

For the most part, you can choose based on personal preference, and TypeScript will tell you if it needs something to be the other kind of declaration. If you would like a heuristic, always use interface until you need to use features from type.

Read more.

3. Types Definition

3.1 Types Declaration or Automatically Inferred Types

Sometimes there are some unclear situations whether you should define a type or leave it for TypeScript to automatically infer it.

Let's consider some common such situations:

  1. Don't define a type when you declare literal variables via const. Help TypeScript to be as strict as possible.
// Bad

const str: string = 'v123'; // string
const num: number = 123;    // number

// you turn off some features where TS could define obvious things
if (num === 1) { // this is always true but TS can't defect it anymore
    // do something...
// Good

const str = 'v123'; // 'v123'
const num = 123;    // 123

// TS says: This condition will always return 'false' since the types '123' and '1' have no overlap.
if (num === 1) {
    // do something...
  1. Don't define a type when you declare literal variables via let and immediately specify a value.

Except when you need to have a variety of types. See the next point.

// Bad

let str: string = 'v123';   // string
let num: number = 123;      // number
// Good

let str = 'v123';   // string
let num = 123;      // number
  1. Do define a type when you declare literal variables via let if immediately specify a value but there could be a variety of types.
// Bad

let id = 123; // number
id = 'v123';  // TS error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
// Good

let id: string | number = 123; // string | number
id = 'v123';
  1. Do always define a type when you declare any variables via let if don't immediately specify a value. Otherwise, your variable will have an any type. Read more about any.
// Bad

let str;        // any
str = 'v123';
str = 123;
str = {};
// Good

let str: string; // string
str = 'v123';
  1. Do always define a type for empty arrays. Otherwise, your variable will have an any[] type. Read more about any.
// Bad

const arr = [];  // any[]
arr.push(1, true, 'str');

let ids = [];    // any[]
ids.push(1, true, 'str');
// Good

const arr: string[] = [];  // string[]
arr.push('str1', 'str2', 'str3');

let ids: number[] = [];    // number[]
ids.push(1, 2, 3);
  1. Do always define a type for empty objects. Otherwise, your variable will have an {} type. Read more about {}.
// Bad

const obj1 = {};  // {}

let obj2 = {};    // {}
obj2 = 123;
// Good

const obj1: Partial<Record<string, number>> = {};

let obj2: Partial<Record<string, number>> = {};
obj2.prop = 123;

Do not forget to specify as const for objects that have to be never changed. In this case doesn't make sense to define a type. You will receive very strictly typed object that can't be changed. as const works recursively and applies readonly for all nested objects.


// Good

const ratio = {
    double: 2,
    triple: 3,
} as const;
  1. Common rule: Do always define a type when you declare something. Do not define a type when you use something already typed or for the calculated result of typed variables or functions.

Always define parameters types for the function and a return type. Read more about types in functions.

// Bad

const randomNumber: number = Math.random();
const value: number = randomNumber * 100 / 2;

function isFalsy(value) {
    return !!value;

const isValueFalsy: boolean = isFalsy(value);

const array: number[] = [1, 2, 3]; number, index: number, array: number[]) => {
    return item + (array[index - 1] || 0);
// Good

const randomNumber = Math.random();
const value = randomNumber * 100 / 2;

function isFalsy(value: unknown): boolean {
    return !!value;

const isValueFalsy = isFalsy(value);

const array = [1, 2, 3];, index, array) => {
    return item + (array[index - 1] || 0);

3.2 Use Utility Types

Carefully study all the existing Utility Types in TypeScript that are available everywhere in your code without any imports. Boldly use any Utility Type and it will definitely help to write types correctly and easier infer types where needed. Do not try to invent already existing things and do not pollute the code with duplicates.


// Bad

const myObj: { [key: string]?: number } = {};
myObject.prop = 123;
// Good

const myObject: Partial<Record<string, number>> = {};
myObject.prop = 123;

Also, do not hesitate to implement you own custom Utility Types if needed via Declaration Files and use them even without explicit importing. It becomes obvious when you often need some common generic type in different places. And do not write global types if you aren't gonna need it, and you do not use them anywhere for now, e.g., just in case or for future needs.


// somewhere in .d.ts file (e.g., MyCustomUtilityTypes.d.ts)

type PartialRecord<K extends string | number | symbol, V> = Partial<Record<K, V>>;
// somewhere in your code (e.g., code.ts)

const myObject: PartialRecord<string, number> = {};
myObject.prop = 123;

3.3 Don't repeat yourself

Don't repeat yourself and use single source of truth even when you write types. Do not write the same type several times if you know that the objects should have the same interface - declare a type and reuse it. And think of declaring a type if you write the same type even twice.


// Bad

function validateObjects(
    obj1: Record<string, number>,
    obj2: Record<string, number>,
): Record<string, number> {
    const validatedObj: Record<string, number> = {};
    // do something...
    return validatedObj;

// Very Bad

function validateObjects(
    obj1: { prop: string },
    obj2: { prop: string },
): { prop: string } {
    const validatedObj: { prop: string } = {
        prop: obj1.prop || obj2.prop || 'default',

    return validatedObj;
// Good

type MyObject = Record<string, number>;

function validateObjects(
    obj1: MyObject,
    obj2: MyObject,
): MyObject {
    const validatedObj: MyObject = {};
    // do something...
    return validatedObj;

// Good

interface ObjectWithProp {
    prop: string;

function validateObjects(
    obj1: ObjectWithProp,
    obj2: ObjectWithProp,
): ObjectWithProp {
    const validatedObj: ObjectWithProp = {
        prop: obj1.prop || obj2.prop || 'default',

    return validatedObj;

3.4 Naming Collisions

Names of the types and any kind of variables (function, class, object, literal, etc.) always have to be correct, readable and independent. If you have naming collisions between types and their implementations, you have at least two options to resolve it correctly:

  1. Have the same names but in separate modules (files) and rename during import when needed:
import { MyClass as IMyClass } from './types';

export default class MyClass<T> implements IMyClass<T> { /* ... */ }
  1. Have a different name for the interface (I prefix is a common approach for that):
interface IMyClass<T> {
  /* ... */

4. Enum

4.1 Enum naming convention

To be consistent and write a readable and understandable code for all the people, there are some common generally accepted rules when you write enums:

  • âś… Use PascalCase for Enum types and value names.
  • âś… Use a singular name for Enum types.
  • ❌ Do not use an Enum suffix on Enum type names.
// Good

enum CardinalPoint {
    // Enum string values don't matter. They are just constants.
    North = 'north',
    South = 'SOUTH',
    West = 'West',
    SouthEast = 'south_east',

// Bad

// NO `enum` suffix
enum CardinalPointEnum {
    // UPPERCASE instead of PascalCase
    NORTH = 'north',
    // Snake_Case instead of PascalCase
    South_East = 'south_east',
    // camelCase instead of PascalCase
    southWest = 'south_west',

// Bad

// NO plural name
enum CardinalPoints {
    North = 'north',
    South = 'south',

4.2 Always declare string values for enum

Motivation: There are some annoying pitfalls when you use numeric enums with auto-generated numeric values:

  • Really hard to debug. You don't understand, what the value you receive without going to enum implementation.
  • The values depend on the order in enum implementation. If you have tests that relied on the enum values or snapshots, you will always need to update tests and snapshots when you add new values (not in the end) or change the enum member order.
  • You can meet unexpected behavior working with numeric enum (e.g., Object.keys(MyEnum) or Object.values(MyEnum)) because of reverse mappings
// Good

enum CardinalPoint {
    North = 'north',
    South = 'south',
    West = 'west',

// Bad

enum CardinalPoint {
    North, // 0
    South, // 1
    West,  // 2

// Bad

enum CardinalPoint {
    North = 10,
    South, // 11
    West,  // 12

Acceptable to have numeric enums if you define all the values and these values accord their names.

But in this case, you always have to keep in your mind that reverse mapping still works.


// Ok

enum Ratio {
    Half = 0.5,
    Double = 2,
    Triple = 3,

5. Function

5.1 Always define parameters types

Reason: Always define all the parameters types in functions, otherwise, they have any type. Read more about any.

// Bad

function doSomeLogic(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
    // do something...
// Good

function doSomeLogic(
    arg1: () => void,
    arg2: boolean,
    arg3: string,
    arg4: number,
): void {
    // do something...

Acceptable to use a third-party interface to implement a function according to it.


// Good

import * as React from 'react';

const onInputChange: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> = event => {

5.2 Always define a return type

Reason: Always define a return type for functions and methods. This helps to avoid hidden unexpected behavior, increases the productivity of TypeScript and extremely increases the readability of the implementation (without diving deep into the logic). Moreover, it adds some restrictions and when somebody will change something inside the function, you are always confident that it will not affect the contract, or it will enforce to explicitly change the contract.

// Bad

function doSomeLogic(value: string) {
    // imagine very long function body with a lot of conditions and returns
    // what a type returns the function?

const someObj = {
    doIt() {
        // do something...
    doItLater: (time: number) => {
        // do something...

class MyClass {
    private id: number;

    constructor(arg: boolean) { = arg ? Math.random() :;

    public doIt() {
        // do something...

    public doItLater = (time: number) => {
        // do something...
// Good

function doSomeLogic(value: string): boolean {
    return !!value;

const someObj = {
    doIt(): string {
        // do something...
    doItLater: (time: number): void => {
        // do something...

class MyClass {
    private id: number;

    // no needs to define a return type for `constructor`
    // TS says: Type annotation cannot appear on a constructor declaration.
    constructor(arg: boolean) { = arg ? Math.random() :;

    public doIt(): string {
        // do something...

        return '';

    public doItLater = (time: number): void => {
        // do something...

5.3 Do not define any types when the function type declared

Reason: Do not define any types when the function type is already declared. This is redundant and you always get correct types everywhere if the function type is defined correctly. Moreover, sometimes you can re-define the type or narrow a type that can lead to runtime errors.

// Bad

import * as React from 'react';

const onInputChange: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> = (event: HTMLButtonElement): void => {
// Good

import * as React from 'react';

const onInputChange: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> = event => {

5.4 Don't need a separate function type

Reason: Most likely, you will never need to define a separate type for the functions separately from their implementations. Especially, when you use it only once.

// Bad
type IsFalsy = (value: unknown) => boolean;

const isFalsy: IsFalsy = value => {
    return !!value;
// Good

function isFalsy(value: unknown): boolean {
    return !!value;
// Ok

const isFalsy = (value: unknown): boolean => {
    return !!value;

6. Class

6.1 Always define access modifiers

Motivation: Always define access modifiers for all the class' fields. Need to be consistent and write a readable and understandable code. The code becomes much more obvious and it looks in a common typed language style. constructor can be an exception here because it, actually, doesn't make a lot of sense to specify access modifier of the native behavior.

6.2 Use constructor shortcut feature

Motivation: Use TypeScript constructor shortcut feature when you simply save accepted arguments inside the class. When you start to use and understand this syntax, it becomes readable and comfortable, and takes much fewer lines of the code.


// Goog

class MyClass {
        private value: string,
        public length: number,
        protected time: number,
    ) { }

Instead of:

// Bab

class MyClass {
    public length: number;
    protected time: number;
    private value: string;

        value: string,
        length: number,
        time: number,
    ) {
        this.value = value;
        this.length = length;
        this.time = time;

6.3 Always define a return type for methods

Motivation described here.

6.4 Keep ordering of the fields by their type

Motivation: Need to be consistent and write a readable and understandable code. First of all, you should see what the class exposes to use its instance (public fields). After that, you need to expose what can be used during the inheritance (protected fields). And, finally, the internal implementation of the class (private fields).

The generally accepted approach:

  1. static fields (public, protected, private);
  2. public properties;
  3. protected properties;
  4. private properties;
  5. constructor;
  6. public methods;
  7. protected methods;
  8. private methods.

Pay attention to an example of a correctly written class:

class MyClass {
    public static readonly version = 'v0.1';

    public readonly name = 'MyClass';
    protected timeToStart: number;
    private date: Date;

    // access modifier missed deliberately
        // when you simply save parameters
        private value: string,
        public length: number,
        // when you need some processing
        time: number,
    ) {
        this.timeToStart = time; = new Date(time);

    public getValue(): string {
        return this.value;

    protected getTime(time?: number): number {
        return this.calc() + (time || this.timeToStart);

    private calc(): number {
        return / this.length;

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