A Terminal Client for Google Cloud Spanner with Completion and Syntax Highlighting.
pip3 install -U --user spanner-cli
or, for the latest develop version
pip3 install -U --user git+https://github.com/shoma/spanner-cli@master
Usage: spanner-cli [OPTIONS]
A Google Cloud Spanner terminal client with auto-completion and syntax
-p, --project TEXT Google Cloud Platform Project for spanner.
${GCP_PROJECT} [required]
-i, --instance TEXT Google Cloud Spanner instance to connect.
-d, --database TEXT Google Cloud Spanner Database to connect.
${SPANNER_DATABASE} [required]
-c, --credential PATH path to credential file for Google Cloud Platform.
--pager / --no-pager use ${PAGER} (default LESS) to print output.
[default: False]
-e, --execute TEXT Execute command and quit.
-v, --version show version.
--debug Debug mode.
--help Show this message and exit.
> help
| Command(abbr) | Shortcut and Usage | Description |
| use | \u | Change to a new database. |
| SHOW TABLES | \lt | List tables. |
| DESCRIBE | \dt[+], desc [table] | Describe table. |
| SHOW INDEX | | Show Index (from Table). |
| SHOW DATABASES | \l | List databases in current instance. |
| browse | | Open Google Spanner console in your browser. |
| help | \? | Show this help. |
| exit | \q | Exit. |
And, you can also edit query with readline's keybindings. see https://readline.kablamo.org/emacs.html
- build on top of prompt-toolkit, pallets/click
- inspired by dbcli, cloudspannerecosystem/spanner-cli