run code in this order
- #it will maintain datasets
- # it will maintain model
- # it will predict on visualise model
In this section I wants to predict the class : here first i click photos of my friends from code
I take 4 classes ["gopal","pradeep","sannidhya","shivam"]. But you can take multiple classes . steps:
1: After capture images of my friends . i divided images into training_data and testing data
2: Then resize the images eg:(50*50)
3: convert it into numpy array
4: reshapr numpy image
5: convert training_data into x_train(features),y_train(labels)
6: then convert y_train into categorical (By using OneHotEncoder)
eg: if you have 2 classes
0 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
only one row take 1 other remains 0 .thats why its called OneHotEncoder
7: then take model
8: make layers .its depends upon you ,how much layers you wants to take.
9: compile the program (optimizer,loss,accuracy)
10: training our model ( . or model.fitGenerator)
11: predict on test data
12: visualize on graph