Package to construct models of songbird nucleus HVC
- basic package containing functions to generate post-synaptic currents, action potentials, implement LIF neurons
- package describing Izhikevich neurons and containing functions to evolve a single or a network of IZ neurons in
- functions for implementing HVC
- functions for analysing conductance model
- functions for simulating large networks of Izhikevich
- functions for constructing and evolving polychronous chains of neurons
- Clone repo, navigate into folder
- If you don't already have poetry, install poetry. You may need to close command window and open a new one.
- Create conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Activate environment:
conda activate songburst
- Make sure you are in the top folder of the cloned repo, then install dependencies:
poetry install
- Setup the new environment as an ipython kernel:
conda install -c anaconda ipykernel
thenpython -m ipykernel install --user --name=songburst