This module interfaces all REST APIs offered by BrowserStack.
$ npm i --save-dev browserstack-client
Please ensure that your BrowserStack account contains the required subscription(s) for using the APIs provided by this module.
Add your BrowserStack username and API key to the following environment variables for your shell.
You may also supply these credentials in code when creating an instance of an API client. See options.username
and options.key
Basic features require Fetch API support in your JavaScript runtime (globalThis.fetch
Additional features (running BrowserStackLocal binary) require node.js runtime.
// index.mjs
import { BrowserStack } from "browserstack-client";
// set environment variables BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME and BROWSERSTACK_KEY
// BrowserStack JavaScript Testing API
const jsTestingClient = new BrowserStack.JSTestingClient();
/* ...or
const jsTestingClient = new BrowserStack.JSTestingClient({
username: "<browserstack-username>",
key: "<browserstack-access-key>",
console.log(await jsTestingClient.getAccountStatus());
// BrowserStack Automate API
const automateClient = new BrowserStack.AutomateClient();
console.log(await automateClient.getPlan());
// BrowserStack App Automate API
const appAutomateClient = new BrowserStack.AppAutomateClient();
console.log(await appAutomateClient.getPlan());
// BrowserStack Screenshots API
const screenshotsClient = new BrowserStack.ScreenshotsClient();
console.log(await screenshotsClient.getBrowsers());
// BrowserStack Local Testing API
const localTestingClient = new BrowserStack.LocalTestingClient();
console.log(await localTestingClient.getBinaryInstances());
Some features leverage node.js built-in modules (node:*
) that may not be available in other JavaScript runtimes (such as Deno).
These are bundled separately along with all basic features from above.
// index.mjs
import { BrowserStack } from "browserstack-client/node";
const localTestingBinary = new BrowserStack.LocalTestingBinary({
key: "<browserstack-access-key>", // or set environment variable BROWSERSTACK_KEY
binHome: "<path-to-store-BrowserStackLocal-binary>", // or set environment variable BROWSERSTACK_LOCAL_BINARY_PATH
console.log(await localTestingBinary.start());
console.log(await localTestingBinary.stop());
* @run --allow-read --allow-net --allow-env index.ts
import { load } from "[email protected]/dotenv/mod.ts";
import { BrowserStack } from "";
const env = await load();
const options = {
// BrowserStack JavaScript Testing API
const jsTestingClient = new BrowserStack.JSTestingClient(options);
console.log(await jsTestingClient.getAccountStatus());
Please refer to the documentation for methods available for each of these clients.
npm install node-fetch
npm install proxy-agent // or proxy specific https-proxy-agent (see docs)
- Docs for node-fetch
- Docs for proxy-agent
// index.mjs
import { JSTestingClient } from "browserstack-client";
import fetch from "node-fetch";
import { ProxyAgent } from "proxy-agent";
// Docs:
const agent = new ProxyAgent();
// BrowserStack JavaScript Testing API
const jsTestingClient = new JSTestingClient({
username: "<browserstack-username>",
key: "<browserstack-access-key>",
// provide your own Fetch API implementation
fetch: (url, init) => fetch(url, { ...init, agent }),
console.log(await jsTestingClient.getAccountStatus());
Sponsored access to BrowserStack, courtesy BrowserStack.