Adds more portraits (Akatsuki, Azure, and completely new) in the NISA PC version of Trails from Zero.
Created by: ShinKiseki (Reddit: u/ShinKiseki; Twitter: Shin_Kiseki)
Latest release: v1.4.0 (released 2024-05-23)
Last updated: 2024-12-31
Compatible with: Trails from Zero v1.4.13 (Steam or GOG), EN + JP (英語+日本語)
Watch the release trailer here:
Link to the More Portraits in Azure mod:
- Download the latest release of More Portraits in Zero. This should include a data folder.
- Identify the folder where the Steam (or GOG) edition of Trails from Zero lives. Within this folder, there should be, among other files, the game itself (zero.exe) and a data folder. This can be done by right-clicking on the game in the Steam library, then selecting Manage → Browse local files. This is the root folder of the game.
- For Steam Deck users, use Desktop mode to browse local files.
- Drag the mod's data folder into the root folder. This will copy all the mod files into the root folder, placing all files into the correct subfolders. Please note that there will be a prompt to replace some of the original scena (scenario) files.
- (Optional) There is an option to also install improved versions of the vanilla portraits (see below for comparisons). These are in a separate download called Improved Vanilla Portraits. In this release is another data folder. Drag this data folder into the root folder. This will copy all the improved portraits into the root folder. Please note that this will replace the original portrait files.
- The mod has now been installed! New portraits will now be shown in-game. This will work for English and Japanese scripts! 英語も日本語もOKです!
- To uninstall the mod, verify integrity of game files. This will revert all scena files back to normal. Note that the added portraits will not be removed; these will not impact your gameplay.
- On Steam, right-click the game in the Steam client, then select Properties → Local Files → Verify integrity of game files.
- On GOG, click on the game in the GOG client, then select More → Manage Installation → Verify/Repair → VERIFY GAME.
Completed characters in bold. Characters not previously included in the Geofront version of this mod are labeled as new.
- Wendy (completed files: 2/2)
- Chaco (2/2)
- Scott (14/14)
- Wenzel (11/11)
- Lynn (11/11)
- Aeolia (11/11)
- Pierre (2/2)
- Mireille (3/3)
- Sully (6/6)
- Abbas (6/6)
- Michel (3/3)
- [NEW!] Fernand (2/2)
- [NEW!] Franz (6/6)
- [NEW!] Oscar (3/3)
- [NEW!] Bennet (3/3)
- [NEW!] Shanshan (3/3)
- [NEW!] Kate (7/7)
- [NEW!] Ashleigh (2/2)
- [NEW!] Jingo (1/1)
- Optional -- Improved vanilla portrait quality (Thanks to Cradawx and BigheadSMZ for their work!).
- Both English and Japanese scripts are supported! 英語も日本語もOKです!
If there is a bug encountered over the course of using this mod, I would appreciate being notified so that I may make the proper fixes.
For those comfortable with GitHub, please report any issues. The most helpful way to report an issue is to provide a screenshot and note when/where this is occurring. This will help identify the issue, then test that the issue has been resolved.
GitHub not your style? Feel free to message me via Reddit or Twitter. I am also around on Discord via several Falcom-related servers, including The Geofront.
For those using GitHub, please report these (or other) issues if they are discovered (once the issue is reported, I will label the issue accordingly):
- [Text] There are typos, missing dialogue, or some other issue with the text. Pretty self-explanatory. While the primary focus is on text issues created by the mod itself, typos from the original game are also okay to report.
- [Portrait] The wrong character portrait is used. This might be that the wrong character's portrait is appearing, or the right character has an expression inappropriate for their dialogue. The latter may be subjective to an extent, but feedback is always welcome.
- [Portrait] The character might be missing a portrait altogether. This may be intentional (characters off-screen do not have portraits, for instance), but for the most part, the supported characters should have portraits.
- [Text box] The text box may close and reopen between lines of dialogue, instead of remaining open. For characters without portraits, each line of dialogue creates a new text box; in other words, after each line, the text box closes, and another one opens to display the next line. For characters with portraits, this is different; a single text box opens for the entire set of dialogue, only closing after the last line. As part of the mod, the intent is for characters with added portraits to have their text boxes stay open for their entire dialogue.
- [Text box] The text box size looks weird. As noted with the previous point, a single text box opens for an entire set of dialogue, rather than a new text box for each line. The text box will be long enough to accommodate the longest line of text; consequently, shorter lines of text may look weird. To an extent, this can be addressed by shifting words around to make each line approximately the same length, thus better filling out the text box.
- [Non-text box bug] While unlikely, it's possible that the mod introduces some game-impacting bug.
- [Misc.] There's probably something I've forgotten to list--let me know and I'll sort it out.
Read here: Link
- Inevitable Zero
- Compatible version released (Inevitable Zero v2.2.2c) as of 2023-01-17. To use both mods, first install More Portraits in Zero, then install Inevitable Zero.
- This mod adds new quests that were originally included as part of Zero no Kiseki Evolution. See Inevitable Zero's README for more info.
- YuzuKiyochii for the creation of all-new portraits for Oscar, Bennet, Shanshan, Kate, Ashleigh, and Jingo.
- Graber for the version of EDDecompiler used for developing this mod.
- Ouroboros for the development of the original EDDecompiler.
- Kyuuhachi for the development of the dds2itp tool used for developing half-bust portraits, the development of the JP script version of the mod, and the development of a compatible version of the Inevitable Zero mod.
- Cradawx for the creation of the Trails to Azure HD texture mod, originally designed for the Geofront version of Trails to Azure. The portraits developed for that mod have been incorporated in this mod for the Azure-only characters, as well as part of an overall portraits overhaul.
- BigheadSMZ for the creation of the Trails from Zero HD Portraits Project, originally designed for the Geofront version of Trails from Zero. The portraits developed for that mod have been incorporated in this mod as part of an overall portraits overhaul.
- 2024-12-31: No release -- verified compatibility with new patch v1.4.13. Added instructions for using the mod with a Steam Deck.
- 2024-05-23: Released v1.4.0. New characters #7 and #8 revealed (Ashleigh and Jingo). Files for Ashleigh and Jingo completed.
- 2023-10-14: Released v1.3.1. Fixed issue where Kate's portraits wouldn't appear in Crossbell Police Department (c1150.bin).
- 2023-09-24: Released v1.3.0. New characters #5 and #6 revealed (Shanshan and Kate). Files for Shanshan and Kate completed. Updated scena files to be compatible with latest patch v1.4.12.
- 2023-04-14: Updated README to include uninstallation insstructions for GOG.
- 2023-04-11: Released v1.2.0. Added support for JP text. Updated scena files to use Pierre's and Franz's new portraits. Updated Azure-only characters' portraits to use Cradawx's portraits. Added option to install improved versions of vanilla portraits.
- 2023-03-30: Added three Pierre portraits and three Franz portraits. Updated README to acknowledge compatibility with GOG version.
- 2023-03-28: Updated README to acknowledge compatibility with latest patch v1.4.6.
- 2023-03-22: Added two Aeolia portraits. Updated Lynn and Aeolia closed-eyes portraits, using Towa as a base.
- 2023-03-15: Updated README to link to More Portraits in Azure.
- 2023-01-27: Updated README to reflect latest compatibility with Inevitable Zero.
- 2023-01-15: Released v1.1.0. Updated scena files to be compatible with latest patch v1.4.4. Fixed several text boxes and typos.
- 2022-12-27: Updated README to indicate process of making mod compatible with new patch v1.4.2.
- 2022-12-22: Released v1.0.2. Fixed issue with a Mireille text box in Bellguard Gate (t2020.bin). Made updates to the creation proess document.
- 2022-11-14: Updated README to move the section about the creation process from the README to a separately uploaded file.
- 2022-11-10: Updated README to note added compatibility with the Inevitable Zero mod, which adds new quests originally included as part of Zero no Kiseki Evolution. No file changes within More Portraits in Zero itself.
- 2022-11-03: Released v1.0.1. Fixed issue where Franz's portraits wouldn't appear in City Hall (c1110.bin). Fixed issue with a Lynn text box in St. Ursula (t1510.bin).
- 2022-11-02: Released v1.0.0. Added new Pierre half-bust portrait. Incorporated half-busts for remaining characters at appropriate times. Created folder of all added portraits in png form for ease of viewing.
- 2022-11-01: Updated scena files for Wendy to add half-bust portraits in several scenes. Confirmed that Chaco, Fernand, and Franz have no relevant scenes that require half-bust portraits.
- 2022-10-30: Updated half-bust portraits from Akatsuki characters to work properly. Added credit to Kyuuhachi for the tool necessary for said portraits.
- 2022-10-28: New characters #3 and #4 revealed (Oscar and Bennet). Files for Oscar and Bennet completed.
- 2022-10-24: Released v0.4.1. Fixed issue where the wrong file was uploaded, breaking behavior in the Harbor District during some parts of the Anniversary Festival.
- 2022-10-22: Released v0.4.0. Files for Michel completed.
- 2022-10-21: Files for Abbas completed. Files for Michel partially completed.
- 2022-10-20: Updated the number of total files for Sully (Sully appears as "Boy" in two files). Files for Sully completed. Added newly discovered issues to text files issue.
- 2022-10-19: Updated a portrait for Aeolia. Files for Mireille completed.
- 2022-10-17: Fixed issue where Pierre's portraits wouldn't appear when in his office (c1160.bin).
- 2022-10-16: Released v0.3.0. New character #2 revealed (Franz). Added two new portraits for Pierre. Files for Pierre and Franz completed. Added folder of documentation images and updated README to include section about the creation process.
- 2022-10-14: Released v0.2.0. Updated scena files to correct several typos present in the original files, including an error causing "Ozelle" to be named "Zell" in some instances. Files for Scott, Wenzel, Lynn, and Aeolia completed. Added newly discovered issues to text issues file. Added folder of sample images and added images to README.
- 2022-10-13: Updated scena files to correct several typos present in the original files. More files for Scott, Wenzel, Lynn, and Aeolia completed. Added newly discovered issues to text issues file.
- 2022-10-11: Added a new portrait for Aeolia. Updated several Aeolia portraits. Updated scena files to correct several typos present in the original files. Files for Scott, Wenzel, Lynn, and Aeolia partially completed. Reorganized known text issues file and added newly discovered issues.
- 2022-10-09: Released v0.1.0. Added a new portrait for Chaco. New character #1 revealed (Fernand). Files for Wendy, Chaco, and Fernand completed. Updated README to include credits section and instructions for reporting issues, and installation instructions. Added list of known text issues fixed in this mod for documentation.
- 2022-10-07: Added all portraits (face) and half-busts (visual).
- 2022-10-06: Updated README to include to-do list.
- 2022-10-04: Creation of repository.