Angular4/Firebase app utilizing FireStarter (Angular4 + Firebase starter app)
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GengoApp is a study tool that gives you new abilities when studying Japanese!
Utilizing Google's translate API, automatically get English translations for Japanese phrases you upload. Edit posts and add notes to customize how the content of the phrases you add.
Keep track of the mistakes (and the correct way to say it) with the mistakes tracker function. Add notes and keep a record of the number of time you made the mistake.
- Authentication w/ Router Guard
- Realtime database
- File Uploads to Firebase Storage
- SASS + Bulma + FontAwesome
- Reactive Form Validation
- Filters
Create an account at
- clone this project
cd gengo-app
npm install
Create the environment files below in src/environments/
. For information on how this works see: Development and Production Environments for Angular Firebase Projects
export const environment = {
production: false,
firebaseConfig: {
apiKey: 'APIKEY',
authDomain: '',
databaseURL: '',
storageBucket: '',
export const environment = {
production: true,
firebaseConfig: {
// same as above, or use a different firebase project to isolate environments
And finally npm start
- cd
npm install
firebase login
firebase deploy --only functions
To deploy using firebase-tools, you will need to login. If you have an expired token, you can run firebase logout
, then firebase login
, which will allow you to login with refreshed access token.
The project is already set up to use aliases for the staging and production environments. To swithc, run:
$ firebase use <alias>
You can check your project aliases using the following command:
$ firebase projects:list
$ firebase use staging
$ firebase deploy
$ firebase use prod
$ npm run build-prod
$ firebase deploy