Table of Contents
This project is build with WEBRTC , simple-peer library and , using node js as backend and reactjs as frontend library , for styling MUI and Tailwindcss is used. simple-peer library is used for peer to peer connection . is used for signaling server , it is used to exchange information between peers , like ice candidates , offer and answer , and other information. WEBRTC is used for media streaming , it is used to stream video and audio between peers.
- Login and signup using Firebase
- Start a Meet
- Turn on/off video
- Turn on/off mic
- Video Conferencing (Multiple users can join at the single time)
- Get the count of participants
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- npm
npm install npm@latest -g
Clone the repo
git clone
Install NPM packages
npm install
Enter your API in
const firebaseconfig ={ apiKey: '********************', authDomain:: '********************', projectId: : '*******************', storageBucket: : '********************', messagingSenderId: : '********************', appId: : '********************', }
Start the frontend
npm start
switch to backend branch
git checkout backend
install NPM packages
npm install
start the server
npm run dev
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Project Link:
contributors :
Ayush Russiya
Shikhar Gupta
Suyash Vikram Singh
Sanket Diwate