Document Management System is an application that helps users manage their documents in an organized way. A User can be able to upload a document, edit it and share it with other users. Aside from enabling users to properly document their work with regard to category, the application permits users to work collaboratively on documents.
This application has been created using Nodejs environment and implementing Express as the routing framework and Mongoose, an object modeling package, to interact with MongoDB. Authentication has been implemented using Passport. For this version, only local strategy has been used. JWT tokens have also been used to authenticate routes.
- Install Nodejs and MongoDB
- Clone this repo or download the zipped file.
- Navigate to the master branch.
- Run
This will install the required dependencies.
npm install
- Run
This will seed the database
npm run db:seed
- Run
npm test
to run the tests. 7. Run
npm start
Use Postman to consume the API. 8. Well...enjoy.
Create a new user
POST - /api/v1/users
Post data
username: 'username',
email: '[email protected]'
name: {
last: 'lastname',
first: 'firstname'
password: 'password',
role: 'dummy role' // Role has to be created before assignation. viewer role is available by default
Login a user
POST - /api/v1/users
Post data
username: 'username',
password: 'password'
Create a new document
Documnent is created by an existing and authenticated user.
POST - /api/v1/users
Post data
title: 'Documnent title',
content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.'
Create a new role - Superadmin operation
Role is created by an Authorized and Authenticated user (superadmin).
POST - /api/v1/users
Post data
title: 'Trainer'
API endpoints currently supported.
Request type | Endpoint | Action |
POST | /api/v1/users | Create a new user |
GET | /api/v1/users | Get all users |
GET | /api/v1/users:id | Get a specific user |
PUT | /api/v1/users/:id | Update user information |
DELETE | /api/v1/users/:id | Remove a user from storage |
Request type | Endpoint | Action |
POST | /api/v1/documents | Create a new document |
GET | /api/v1/documents | Retrieve all documents |
GET | /api/v1/documents/:id | Retrieve a specific document |
GET | /api/v1/users/:id/documents | Retrieve all documents created by a user |
GET | /api/v1/documents/documents?role=:role | Retrieve all documents with a specific role |
PUT | /api/v1/documents/:id | Update a specific document |
DELETE | /api/v1/documents/:id | Remove a specific document from storage |
Request type | Endpoint | Action |
POST | /api/v1/roles | Create a new role |
GET | /api/v1/roles | Retrieve all roles |
Request type | Endpoint | Action |
POST | /api/v1/doc-types | Create a new document type |
GET | /api/v1/doc-types | Retrieve all document types |
This application has been tested using supertest, which is a Super-agent driven library for testing Node.js HTTP servers using a fluent API and Mocha, which is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun.
Thank You.