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Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models for Robust Question Answering

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CSCI 6908 - Special Graduate Topics in Computer Science 2023: RobustQA track

Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models for Robust Question Answering

  • In this repo, we applied Low-Rank Adaptation technique in fine-tuning stage (stage 2) on balanced set of domains (indomain_train and oodomain_train).
  • We have 3 domains in indomain_train and 3 target domains in oodomain_train. By this splitting, we can achieve better performance on both in-domains and out-of-domains.
  • Inspiring by Balanced Set Finetuning, in the second stage after normal pretraining DistilBERT on indomain_train, we fine-tuned the trained model on 127 samples domain.
  • Low-Rank Adaptation technique simply plug two new matrices weight per attention module in DistilBERT and only train them during fine-tuning allow efficient domain adaptation. For more details, please see the paper:

How it's implemented

We used a package called [PEFT] for efficient fine-tuning. To learn more about [PEFT], please visit this git repo:

if args.do_train_stage_2:
        model_config = model.config.to_dict()
        peft_config = LoraConfig(
            task_type="Question-Answering", inference_mode=False, r=24, lora_alpha=32, lora_dropout=0.2
        peft_config.target_modules = ['q_lin', 'v_lin'] ## Apply LoRA to Query and Value Matrices in DistilBERT
        peft_config = _prepare_lora_config(peft_config, model_config)
        model = PeftModeForQuestionAnswering(model, peft_config) ## Load DistilBERT to customized QAPeft
        print(f'Using LORA model: {model.__class__.__name__}')
        print(f'Number of trainable parameters: {sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)}')
        print(f'Number of parameters: {sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters())}')

Text Augmentation for Robust Question Answering

We applied different text augmentation strategies to the question to make the model more robust. All strategies were implemented in augment/ and to apply the augmentation to the dataset. The following perturbation methods are available to augment SQuAD-like data:

- (original)  How many species of plants were [recorded] in Egypt?
+ (augmented) How many species of plants were [registered] in Egypt?
  • Random Deletion (RD) using entity-aware term selection
- (original)  How many species of plants [were] recorded in Egypt?
+ (augmented) How many species of plants [] recorded in Egypt?
  • Random Repetition (RR) using entity-aware term selection
- (original)  How many species of plants [were] recorded in Egypt?
+ (augmented) How many species of plants [were were] recorded in Egypt?
  • Random Misspelling (RM) using open-source common misspellings datasets -- sources: wiki, brikbeck
- (original)  How [many] species of plants were recorded in Egypt?
+ (augmented) How [mony] species of plants were recorded in Egypt?

Multi-domains Evaluation

We have changed the codebase in so that it can evaluate multiple domains during the training for better understanding the behaviour of a model.

Starter code for robustqa track

  • Download datasets from here
  • Download support from here
  • Setup environment with conda env create -f environment.yml
  • pip install loralib
  • pip install Peft
  • Train the base system with python --do-train --eval-every 2000 --run-name baseline
  • Train stage 2 with Low-Rank Adaptation finetuning by executing python --do-train --eval-every 20 --run-name stage2 --pretrained-model-name-or-path save/baseline-01/checkpoint/ --do-train-stage-2 --train-datasets squad,nat_questions,newsqa,race,relation_extraction,duorc --num-epochs 4 --lr 3e-5
  • Evaluate the system on test set with python --do-eval --sub-file mtl_submission.csv --save-dir save/baseline-01
  • Upload the csv file in save/baseline-01 to the test leaderboard. For the validation leaderboard, run python --do-eval --sub-file mtl_submission_val.csv --save-dir save/baseline-01 --eval-dir datasets/oodomain_val

Code Structure

├── augment/
│   ├──
│   └──    
├── datasets/ # Download datasets from
│   ├── indomain_train/
│   ├── indomain_val/
│   ├── oodomain_train/
│   ├── oodomain_test/
│   └── oodomain_val/
├── support/
│   └── # Download supporting files from:
├── environment.yml


Method Dataset F1 EM
Baseline Method In-domains Dataset 70.12 51.00
Baseline Method Out-of-domains Dataset 44.73 29.58
LoRA In-domains Dataset 70.24 52.40
LoRA Out-of-domains Dataset 49.56 33.00
LoRA + Aug In-domains Dataset 70.54 54.40
LoRA + Aug Out-of-domains Dataset 50.86 34.40


Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models for Robust Question Answering







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