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Tuya Smart Life API + CLI

Tests Releases

Usage requirements

  • install package locally
npm install -S tuya-smartlife-api
  • import module (ESM or CJS)
/* ESM */
import { TuyaSmartLifeClient } from "tuya-smartlife-api";
/* CommonJS */
// const TuyaSmartLifeClient = require("tuya-smartlife-api").TuyaSmartLifeClient;

const client = new TuyaSmartLifeClient();
try {
	await client.init('[email protected]', 'password', 'eu');
	await client.discoverDevices();

	const tDevices = client.getAllDevices();

	const myLightBulbs = await client.getDevicesByType('light');
	await myLightBulbs[0].turnOn();

} catch (e) {
	console.error('Failed because', e);

Note: Consider using an .env file with dotenv.

Note: check your Tuya region.

  • install package globally
npm install -g tuya-smartlife-api
  • verify installation
Usage: tuyacli [options] [command]

  -V, --version                   output the version number
  -h, --help                      display help for command

  auth                            login with SmartLife
  test                            live test a selected device's functions set
  list [options]                  list devices and their state / attributes
  control [options] <name-or-id>  control a device's state
  help                            output usage information


# Authenticate /will be automatically called later if skipped the first time/
tuyacli auth

# List all devices
tuyacli list [--format={short|long}]

# Perform interactiv device tests
tuyacli test 

# Turn device ID on / off
tuyacli control <ID|Name> --state [1|on]
tuyacli control <ID|Name> --state [0|off]
tuyacli control <ID|Name> --toggle

# Set light brightness, color temp & color 
tuyacli control <ID|Name> --brightness 30 
tuyacli control <ID|Name> --temperature 3500 # set warm temp
tuyacli control <ID|Name> --hsl 78.34,1,100 # HSL chill green
tuyacli control <ID|Name> --hsl 324.77,1,42 # HSL chill purple
tuyacli control <ID|Name> --rgb 90,30,115 # RGB something

Note: Use node tuyacli in module's root folder if not installed globally.

Note: The <ID|Name> portion is treated as a filtering pattern rather than a full identifier. Conviniently, tuyacli control bulb -s off would turn off all devices with the pattern "bulb" in their names, but use with caution. ID would be used for large setups, where Name is not applicable.


Unit tests
npm test
Interactive tests
tuyacli test

Note: Use node tuyacli in module's root folder if not installed globally.

Note: Tests might fail if attempted multiple times before LOGIN_INTERVAL seconds have passed since last run.


  • port and optimize TuyaPy
  • implement integration tests
  • implement pure CLI
    • list devices (short / long format)
    • control a device's state
    • control a device's custom attributes
  • use Configstore for credentials & device cache (not session.json)
    • encrypt credentials at rest
  • implement unit tests
  • add support for CommonJS
  • document code & generate JSDoc
  • dockerize
  • implement classes for other IoT devices (climate, fan, lock, etc.)
  • implement TUI with blessed-contrib

Credits License

Inspired by TuyaPy (backend) and SmartLife (web) interfaces to Tuya's SmartAtHome for IoT smart device control.

See also