Function: goes through all the text files within a directory specified by the user and appends the results in ascending order (currently only numerically) to another text file. is currently made to stop every two text files it parses based on the needs of the user.
For more information or support regarding modding this script, visit the Office Scripts subreddit.
Important Notes: The first (title) line of every input text file is ignored.
Usage: Input is taken through the command line (same MO for all operating systems)
$$python -s [source directory] -d [destination directory] -st [starting file]
The last argument will be the full path to any one of the files in your input directory.
Image Number Lower Angle Upper Angle Accessibility Level
6340 -22.97 14.61 2
7357 16.69 10.95 2
6847 13.15 7.87 2
7876 14.86 9.76 2
5828 1.88 0.88 4
5828 1.88 0.88 4
6340 -22.97 14.61 2
6847 13.15 7.87 2
7357 16.69 10.95 2
7876 14.86 9.76 2