I’ve been using multiple machines to develop on for a number of years and now that I’ve started using the CLI more frequently thanks to @mintuz and @iceicetimmy I need a way of keeping my development environments consistent across machines.
The repo contains my personal system configuration. I personally have these files stored on my Google Drive with Symlinks to link everything together.
Ruby can be a massive knob to setup but these few commands ease the pain a little.
Running the following command in your terminal will stop Gem install from downloading the documentation. This should massively shave down the install time as we don't want that crap.
echo 'gem: --no-rdoc --no-ri' >> ~/.gemrc
I like to use the [Solarized[(http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized) theme for my Terminal with Inconsolata as my font of choice at 15pt.
Credits: my basic configuration is based on the setups of Mark McDonnell and Andrew Burgess