this project is a beginner-friendly introduction to Webpack, Type Script and SCSS. This includes a simple webpack configuration including TypeScript and SCSS transporation
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You need a recent installation of Node on your computer... and git if you want to clone the project
You can either download this project or clone it from github: yo ucan use this command to clone it and give it a new name (replace "fancy project" with your own name...)
git clone new-fancy-project-based-on-the-webpack-template
move into your newly created folder and install all dependencies (node modules)
npm install
You run the project example in the src folder
npm run watch
Your browser should no show the index.htm and automatically refresh when you do changes in the src folder. Remember that your src files are automatically transpiles and or copied to the dist folder and then showed from there
When your project is ready for deployment you should use webpack in production mode by writing this in the console
npm run webpack:prod
That will minify your code and make is production ready
Ebbe Vang