This is a sample project using the Codename One AdmobFullScreen library. This project demonstrates how to use the Codename One AdmobFullScreen library to display Admob Full Screen Ads in your Codename One application.
Before building the project, you should edit the common/ file to change the
to your Admob Project ID.
You can do this, by changing the ios.plistInject
build hint. E.g.
If you do not yet have one, you should create one here.
Add the following to your android.xapplication
build hint:
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="YOUR_APP_ID_HERE"/>
If you don’t have an Admob App ID, you can create one here.
This project is currently configured to serve only test ads. It uses the standard test ad unit ID, specified as a static variable in
private static final String AD_UNIT_ID_INTERSTITIAL_IOS = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712"; // TEST
Don’t change this, unless you intend to repurpose and redeploy as a real app with real ads.