RESPECT is a tool for estimating the repeat spectra and parameters such as genome length and coverage from low-coverage sequencing reads (genome-skims). The manuscript where we describe the algorithm and test RESPECT on simulated short reads and SRA data:
RESPECT is a command-line tool implemented in python. It runs Jellyfish internally to efficiently compute k-mer histograms of input sequence files. RESPECT also uses Gurobi to accurately solve optimization problems. You can check out these awesome tutorials by Siavash Mirarab to learn more about tools we have developed for genome skimming.
You need to have python 3.6, 3.7, or 3.8 installed. It is recommended to create a new conda environment and use conda to install the following requirements (alternatively, you can install each tool from its source and add them to the system path).
- Install Miniconda (you can skip this if you already have either of Miniconda or Anaconda installed).
- Add bioconda and Gurobi channels by running the following commands in
the terminal (order matters):
conda config --add channels defaults conda config --add channels conda-forge conda config --add channels bioconda conda config --add channels
- Install Jellyfish, seqtk, and gurobi by running the following
conda install jellyfish seqtk gurobi
- Set up the license to use Gurobi for academic purposes. See this section for further instructions on how to install and manage licenses.
- (Optional) have
1.6 or later installed to process gzipped inputs. Otherwise, if you have .gz inputs, you need to select a python library for decompression using (--decomp
) option. - Clone the github repository by running (or you can download the repo)
git clone
- Change to the RESPECT directory and run
python install
RESPECT accepts uncompressed (.fastq/.fq/.fa/.fna/.fasta) or gzipped
(.fastq.gz/.fq.gz/.fa.gz/.fna.gz/.fasta.gz) sequence files
as well as pre-computed k-mer histograms (jellyfish histo
.hist output
or similarly formatted file) as input. If you have gzipped sequence files
but do not have gzip
1.6 or later on your system, use --decomp
to select zlib
or gzip
python libraries for decompression (zlib
preferred method for large inputs).
Files with .fastq or .fq extension (and .gz versions) are considered to be a collection of short reads (genome-skims). The k-mer histogram is computed for them, and an iterative optimization is run to estimate their genomic parameters.
Files with .fa, .fna, or .fasta extension (and .gz versions) are first processed to determine if they are genome-skims or assemblies based on the maximum contig length. Similar to FASTQ files, the k-mer histogram is computed for them. If the input is an assembly, the parameters are directly computed from the input sequence and the k-mer histogram.
Files with .hist extension can also be provided as the input. The
file format should be similar to jellyfish histo
output, a text file
with two column where the first column is the k-mer multiplicity and the
second one is the corresponding count of k-mers at that multiplicity:
1 20427099
2 216746
3 54799
4 19206
if you have any histogram file in among you input, you need to provide a
histogram info file using -I
option. This text file tells RESPECT if the
provided histogram is from a genome-skim or an assembly, and if it is from
a genome-skim, what is the average read length. For example, if you look at
you see:
Input read_length
Micromonas_pusilla.hist -1
Micromonas_pusilla_cov_0.5_err_0.01.hist 100
The read length of Micromonas_pusilla.hist
is -1
a sentinel value to say that the histogram is from an assembly. If a
histogram input information is missing from this file, the input is skipped.
For the convenience of user, the input files can be provided in multiple
ways. Using -i
option, the input files can be provided directly. You can
also provide parent directories using -d
option and RESPECT takes all
files with matching extensions as inputs. There is also a -f
option to
provide a file where each line is a path to an input file. These options
are not mutually exclusive and you can use them simultaneously.
You can provide a name mapping file through -m
option to make RESPECT
use those names in the output. For example, if you open
Input Output
Micromonas_pusilla_cov_0.5_err_0.01.fq.gz mp_fq
GCF_000151265.2_Micromonas_pusilla_CCMP1545_v2.0_genomic.fna mp_fa
Micromonas_pusilla.hist mp_ha
Micromonas_pusilla_cov_0.5_err_0.01.hist mp_hq
The first column specifies the input file names (extensions included) and the second column contains the alternative names that should be used to name the samples in the results. If an input file is missing from this file, the input name is used for the outputs as well.
The final estimates of parameters are written to estimated_parameters.txt
and estimated_spectra.txt
in the current working directory (you can use
option to modify the output directory). The estimated parameters file
headings are:
sample input_type sequence_type coverage genome_length uniqueness_ratio HCRM sequencing_error_rate average_read_length
The input_type
is either sequence
(for FASTQ/A files) or histogram
(for .hist files). The sequence type determines whether the input is from
an assembly
or a genome-skim
The uniqueness_ratio
is the estimated
ratio of number of unique k-mers (k-mers with one copy) in the genome
to the total length of genome, and is a measure of repetitiveness of the
genome sequence. Low uniqueness_ratio
values (<0.8) can be a signature of recent
whole genome duplication.
stands for high copy repeats per million, and is the average
count (per million base-pairs) of the 10 most highly
repetitive k-mers. For assemblies we compute that directly from the k-mer
histogram, and for genome-skims it is computed using the estimated coverage.
values can be attributed to the presence of transposable elements.
Please note that the estimate of HCRM
from genome-skim can be up to 2 times
the estimate from the assembly because we do not know which strand (forward/reverse)
of DNA the reads are coming from, so the counts of a k-mer and its reverse
complement are aggregated.
The average_read_length
for assemblies is set to -1
to be consistent with the
convention used in histogram information file (data\hist_info.txt
The estimated repeat spectra are written to estimated_spectra.txt
. The
column rX
specifies the estimated number of k-mers with X
copy in the
genome. You can modify the number of spectra shown in the output using
The intermediate results, optimization logs, and k-mer histograms of inputs
are by default written to current_working_directory/tmp, but you can use
option to specify a non-default path.
We use an iterative optimization algorithm to find a set of parameters for
the genome that can explain the observed histogram of k-mers. The size of
k-mers is 31
by default, but you can use smaller k-mers with -k
Please note that the genome looks more repetitive when using smaller
k-mers, so at some point you might also want to lower the minimum
permissible uniqueness ratio (-r
The number of iterations of the algorithm is 1000
by default and can be
changed using -N
option. However, be aware that changing that can impact
the speed and convergence of algorithm, so it should be done advisedly.
We do not use a parametric model for the repeat spectrum, and the number
of spectra can be set by -n
option, which is 50
by default. Modifying
this option also impacts the speed of the algorithm as it determines the
size of the constrained linear program solved in each iteration of the
After successfully installing RESPECT, change directory to RESPECT
respect -d data/ -m data/name_mapping.txt -I data/hist_info.txt -N 10 --debug
This command tells RESPECT to process all matching files under data/
directory. data/name_mapping.txt
is used for name mapping, and the
required information about histogram files are provided in
. The algorithm is run for 10
iterations (just for
the purpose of this example) and --debug
is used to instruct RESPECT to
print out stack traces of any errors happened. The output files will be
written to the current working directory. Run RESPECT --help
to see all
available options.
RESPECT doesn't model the ploidy of genomes and the heterozygosity rate between haplotypes. As a result, if heterozygosity rate is small, the estimated genome length should be close to the haploid genome length. However, if your sample is from a species with large within-species divergence, then the estimated genome length would be larger than the haploid length, approaching ploidy * haploid length based on the magnitude of heterozygosity. Modeling that to estimate heterozygosity and ploidy along with the rest of the parameters should be addressed in future work.
RESPECT algorithm is designed and optimized to work with low coverage data. In the paper, we have provided the benchmarking results for 0.5X to 4X sequencing depth range. Although theoretically it's easier to estimate the genomic paramteres from higher coverage data, RESPECT algoirthm is not numerically optimized for that. While we will try to address that more systematically in the future, we have seen interest in using the current version of RESPECT even on high coverage data. In that case, we suggest the user should first downsample the input genome skim to below 5X range. The relationship between coverage, read length, and genome length is:
coverage = number_of_reads * average_read_length / genome_length
so, for example, to get ~4X coverage, the input should have this many reads:
4 * genome_length / average_read_length
If you have some estimate of the genome length (from closely related species), you can use the above formula to find if downsampling is needed. And if you have no idea about how long the genome is, you can run RESPECT once, and see what is the estimate of coverage. If it's high, you can downsample based on the first estimate and run RESPECT again. If genome length and coverage estimates are stable (close to the first estimate) you can stop. Otherwise, you might need to repeat this process until the target coverage range is acheived.
If you want to run Gurobi on a single machine, select free academic license when
you visit the link in step 4. It will direct you to create an account and
request a free academic license. At the end, it generates a code for you
to run with grbgetkey
command (ex. grbgetkey 253e22f3-...
) that creates
a license file and writes it to a default location. When Gurobi is run, it
looks for the license file in the defualt locations. You can use the environment
to specify a license file saved in a non-defualt
location (or when you are managing multiple licenses, see below).
If you want to run Gurobi on a cluster, you can either install a separate license
on each node using the above method, or use a floating license. When using
separate licenses on a shared file system, you can use GRB_LICENSE_FILE
environment variable to set the license file for each node properly before running
RESPECT on that node. For example, let's say you have 2 nodes. You obtain two separate
license files (ex, gurobi_1.lic, gurobi_2.lic), and choose the right license file
by running export GRB_LICENSE_FILE=path_to_license_file
before running REPSECT. However,
this approach isn't useful for HPCs that use job scheduling systems to manage their
workload across many nodes. In such cases, you can use a floating license which is
still free for academic purposes, however, you need to ask your system admin to
submit a request to Gurobi help center as directed here. After a floating license
is obtained and installed on the head node (see here), a token sever should be
started on the head node using grb_ts
command . Lastly, each worker node neads a
client license which is a simple text file specifying the address of head node on the
local network (see here). Now, using a single Gurobi floating license on the
head node which runs a token server, Gurobi can be run on all other worker nodes.