Pytorch Implementation of our paper "Transferable Sparse Adversarial Attack".
- Install pytorch. This repo is tested with pytorch==1.6.0.
- Install python packages using following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This repo is tested with python==3.8.5.
Download pretrained adversarial generators from here.
Adversarial generators are trained against following two models.
- Inceptionv3
- ResNet50
These models are trained on ImageNet and available in Pytorch.
Training data:
- ImageNet Training Set.
Evaluations data:
Run the following command
python --train_dir [path_to_train] --model_type incv3 --eps 255 --target -1
This will start trainig a generator trained on one dataset (--train_dir) against Inceptionv3 (--model_type) under perturbation budget
Run the following command
python --test_dir [path_to_val] --model_type incv3 --model_t res50 --eps 255 --target 971 --checkpoint [path_to_checkpoint]
This will load a generator trained against Inceptionv3 (--model_type) and evaluate clean and adversarial accuracy of ResNet50 (--model_t) under perturbation budget 255 (--eps) in a targeted setting (--target).
If you find this repo useful, please cite our paper.