A simple blog theme focused on writing powered by Bulma and Zola.
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A simple blog theme focused on writing powered by Bulma and Zola.
- Dark Mode
- Pagination
- Search
- Charts
- Maps
- Diagrams
- Galleria
- Analytics
- Comments
- Categories
- Social Links
- Multilingual Navbar
- Katex
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
You need static site generator (SSG) Zola installed in your machine to use this theme follow their guide on getting started.
Follow zola's guide on installing a theme.
Make sure to add theme = "DeepThought"
to your config.toml
Check zola version (only 0.9.0+) Just to double-check to make sure you have the right version. It is not supported to use this theme with a version under 0.14.1.
Go into your sites directory and type zola serve
. You should see your new site at localhost:1111
NOTE: you must provide the theme options variables in config.toml
to serve a functioning site
Zola already has great documentation for deploying to Netlify or Github Pages. I won't bore you with a regurgitated explanation.
# Enable external libraries
katex.enabled = true
katex.auto_render = true
chart.enabled = true
mermaid.enabled = true
galleria.enabled = true
navbar_items = [
{ code = "en", nav_items = [
{ url = "$BASE_URL/", name = "Home" },
{ url = "$BASE_URL/posts", name = "Posts" },
{ url = "$BASE_URL/docs", name = "Docs" },
{ url = "$BASE_URL/tags", name = "Tags" },
{ url = "$BASE_URL/categories", name = "Categories" },
# Add links to favicon, you can use https://realfavicongenerator.net/ to generate favicon for your site
favicon_16x16 = "/icons/favicon-16x16.png"
favicon_32x32 = "/icons/favicon-32x32.png"
apple_touch_icon = "/icons/apple-touch-icon.png"
safari_pinned_tab = "/icons/safari-pinned-tab.svg"
webmanifest = "/icons/site.webmanifest"
# Author details
name = "DeepThought"
avatar = "/images/avatar.png"
# Social links
email = "<email_id>"
facebook = "<facebook_username>"
github = "<github_username>"
gitlab = "<gitlab_username>"
keybase = "<keybase_username>"
linkedin = "<linkedin_username>"
stackoverflow = "<stackoverflow_userid>"
twitter = "<twitter_username>"
instagram = "<instagram_username>"
behance = "<behance_username>"
google_scholar = "<googlescholar_userid>"
orcid = "<orcid_userid>"
mastodon = "<mastadon_username>"
# To add google analytics
google = "<your_gtag>"
# To add disqus comments
disqus = "<your_disqus_shortname>"
# To enable mapbox maps
enabled = true
access_token = "<your_access_token>"
If you want to have a multilingual navbar on your blog, you must add your new code language in the languages array in the config.toml
NOTE: Don't add you default language to this array
languages = [
{code = "fr"},
{code = "es"},
And then create and array of nav item for each language:
NOTE: Include your default language in this array
navbar_items = [
{ code = "en", nav_items = [
{ url = "$BASE_URL/", name = "Home" },
{ url = "$BASE_URL/posts", name = "Posts" },
{ url = "$BASE_URL/docs", name = "Docs" },
{ url = "$BASE_URL/tags", name = "Tags" },
{ url = "$BASE_URL/categories", name = "Categories" },
{ code = "fr", nav_items = [
{ url = "$BASE_URL/", name = "Connexion" },
{ code = "es", nav_items = [
{ url = "$BASE_URL/", name = "Publicationes" },
{ url = "$BASE_URL/", name = "Registrar" },
This theme contains math formula support using KaTeX,
which can be enabled by setting katex.enabled = true
in the extra
of config.toml
After enabling this extension, the katex
short code can be used in documents:
{{ katex(body="\KaTeX") }}
to typeset a math formula inlined into a text, similar to$...$
in LaTeX{% katex(block=true) %}\KaTeX{% end %}
to typeset a block of math formulas, similar to$$...$$
in LaTeX
Optionally, \\( \KaTeX \\)
/ $ \KaTeX $
inline and \\[ \KaTeX \\]
/ $$ \KaTeX $$
block-style automatic rendering is also supported, if enabled in the config
by setting katex.auto_render = true
Zola use Elasticlunr.js to add full-text search feature.
To use languages other than en (English), you need to add some javascript files. See the Zola's issue #1349.
By placing the templates/base.html
on your project and using the other_lang_search_js
block, you can load the required additional javascript files in the right timing.
e.g. templates/base.html
{% extends "DeepThought/templates/base.html" %} {% block other_lang_search_js %}
<script src="{{ get_url(path='js/lunr.stemmer.support.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ get_url(path='js/tinyseg.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ get_url(path='js/lunr.' ~ lang ~ '.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ get_url(path='js/search.js') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}
More detailed explanations are aound in elasticlunr's documents.
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Ratan Kulshreshtha - @RatanShreshtha>
Project Link: https://github.com/RatanShreshtha/DeepThought